After the Concert

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The guys has just done playing and everyone was cheering,asking for encore.
Somehow,our girls got separated and were in different places right now.

Ariel sighed as she lightly bit on her nail,watching Eric and his band from a distance,hesitating to go talk to him.
Hiding behind a tree nearby,she started to mumble to herself,suttering and practising how she should say hello to Eric.

Your pov,

There she is.Found her!
I pushed through the excited crowd and ran up to Ariel who was hiding from Eric and his band.
"Ariel!What are you doing?!Come on,let's go talk to them,"I said as I started pulling her with me through the crowd that were chattering around the guys,ignoring Ariel's complains.

"Al!Al!Over here!"I yelled as I waved at Aladdin who immediately noticed the two of us.
He grabbed Eric and quickly dragged him to behind the stage,away from the crazy fangirls,making up an excuse to talk to him while I followed them with Airel.

We watched Eric and Al talked for a while before Al secretly signaled me to let Ariel come to them.
I held Airel's shoulder as I looked at her.
"Okay.Now's your chance.Go get him,girl!"I said as I quickly pushed her forward before she could say anything.

I quickly hid behind the wall and watched Ariel walked up to the two boys nervously.

"H-hey guys!That was a nice concert,I-I just wanna congrat you guys,"Ariel said,nervously as she reached Eric and Al.

"Thanks,Ariel.Glad that you enjoyed it,did you like it?"Eric asked and Al quietly slipped away from the two and quickly ran up to me.
Ariel smiled and nodded as they started chatting.

We quickly slipped away quietly,
leaving the two alone as they started to have a conversation of their own.

Al and I laughed as we highfived.
"That should keep the two hopeless love birds to tweet together,"Al said teasingly and I laughed.
"Yep,I am gonna go find the girls and tell them the news.Ooh,look,
Jasmine looks troubled over there,"I said and Al immediately looked over to where I pointed,seeing Jasmine ran around in the crowd looking all nervous.

"I wonder if everything's alright with her,"Al said,scratching his head nervously as he stared at her.
Jasmine is a very rich girl and Al thinks that he has to be rich to be her boyfriend.

I rolled my eyes.
"Oh please,Al,stop being such a coward and go save the damsel in distress now.Go!"I said as I pushed him to the crowd.

He looked dumpfounded for a bit before laughing nervously and nodded as he went to see Jasmine.

I smiled as I watched him talk with Jasmine in the crowd.Omg,they are holding hands.Ooh...Aladdin rushed off to somewhere with Jasmine.

I giggled excitedly as I started finding the girls.I can't seem to find Anna.
I received a text from Merida.
She was asking me where I was and we agreed to meet up by Hiccup's car again.

I pushed myself through the crowd,
trying to get pass and towards Hiccup's car.
But,there was too much people.
I kept getting pushed back into the crowd.

Suddenly,someone grabbed my hand and started pulling me out of the crowd.
I breathed heavily as we finally got out of the crowd.We stopped,panting.
I looked to see who my saviour was and I blushed when I saw that it was Jack.

He panted as he turned to me.
"You ok,snowflake?"Jack asked still holding my hand.
I smiled and nodded.
He smiled at me as we continued to walk away from the concert,hand in hand.

We passed by Hiccup's car,the others weren't there yet but,Jack continued to walk.
"Umm...Jack,we passed Hiccup's car,"I said and he blushed.
"I know.I know.I just...wanna walk you home know,maybe I could get to know to you more,"he said and stopped walking as he scratched the back of his neck nervously.

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