The Uncrowned King of The Naughty List

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Your pov,

As soon as the school bell rang, I quickly dashed out of my class to see Hiccup.
Jack won't tell me where he and Gaston is gonna meet up no matter what. Either I ask Hiccup or Merida or Punzie, no on will take me there!

Punzie can't take me there. Merida wasn't at school today so, only one choice left.

I left the school ground and immediately started running in the direction of the Dreamworks Academy.

Soon, I reached there and luckily, Hiccup was talking to his friends just before he was about to leave.
"Hiccup!" I called as I rushed to his side.

He loooked at me surprised.
"(Y/n)? What's wrong? What happened? Why did you run all the way to here?" Hiccup asked, looking worried.

I panted and looked at him.
"Is Jack still here? Please tell me he's still here," I said, panting.
He looked around.
"Jack? i think he already took off," he said and I frowned.

Oh no. He alteady left but to where?!

"Hiccup, please tell me where he went off to. I can't just sit around and wait for him to come back, hurt," I pleaded and Hiccup looked troubled.

"Well...I don't know, I don't think Jack is gonna like it," he said.
The blonde hair girl who looks like a badass joined us.
"You mean... in that abandoned building which is just a few more blocks away from here," she said and Hiccup sighed as he facepalmed.

"Astrid..." he mumbled.

"You know where it is?" I asked, getting hopes.
"Yep. Anyway, you must be that girl that Frostie is going crazy about lately. I am Astrid. Nice to meet you," she said, smiling and we shook our hands.

"Haha. I am (Y/n). Nice to meet you too. Thanks for telling me where Jack went off to," I said and she chuckled.

"No problem. Want me to take you there? I happen to pass by that place when I go home," Astrid said, smiling and I nodded happily.
"Thanks, I'd love that!"

"Uhh...Astrid, (Y/n), are you sure that's a good idea?" Hiccup said.
Astrid shrugges.
"Why not? (Y/n) and I can get to know to  other each our way. Come on, (Y/n)!"Astrid said as she hooked her amrs with (Y/n)'s and started walking away while the two of them started to talk, leaving Hiccup alone.

Hiccup sighed and started going after them with a sigh.
"This is just great"

After about 20 mins later,

Astrid dragged (Y/n) to a hiding spot in the abandoned building where they could see Jack and Gaston standing face to face, along with Hiccup following the girls, of course.

"Now, watch and see that Frost boy is more than just a sweet little gentleman," Astrid said and (Y/n) rose a brow, confused.

"What do you mean?" she asked and Hiccup sighed.
"What she means is...Jack's secret which he hasn't tell you yet..." he said and (Y/n) looked even more confused as she watched Jack and Gaston glared at each other.

Meanwhile,Gaston glared at Jack as he cracked his knuckles.
"You still have your chance to walk away and leave (Y/n) to be mine," Gaston said and Jack smiled as he cascually dropped his bag and put his hands in his pocket.

"LeGume, you have to be joking me. Not only you are charmless, don't tell me that you have lost your brain somewhere too?" Jack simply said, smiling calmly.

Gaston growled angrily and narrowed his eyes.
"You asked for it!" Gaston yelled and he started throwing punches at Jack.

Your pov,

I gasped when I saw how Jack easily dodged all of Gaston's punches with his hands still in his pockets.

"H-how is he moving so fast?" I said and Astrid chuckled.
"Well, he has to maintain his reputation to keep his title, now, doesn't he?" she said.

"Title??" I said, confused and Hiccup sighed.
"Yep. He is the honored bad boy student in Dreamworks after all. He didn't earn that title for nothing," Hiccup said and I was even more puzzled.

Bad boy?? Title?? What's going on?!

I looked back to Jack when I heard him laughed.
"Haha, come on. All talk and no trousers? Did you leave it somewhere?" Jack teased and now, he is behind Gaston.

Gaston growled and tried to punch Jack again, failing yet again.
I was amazed at Jack.
How can he joke around while dodging at the same time?

"You know what? I will give you a tip. You can't challenge a King when you can't even use those muscles to throw a punch at me," Jack said and suddenly, he was behind Gaston in a flash.

"So, get lost, will ya?" Jack said and hit Gaston hard in the neck with his hand.

Wait...did he just...

Gaston fell to the ground, knocked out. I was more than shocked. I never thought Jack would be good at this.

"Here comes Jack Frost, the uncrowned King of the Naughty List~" Astrid said and I was amazed.

I blushed staring at Jack who cascually picked up his bag and looked at Gaston one more time.
I saw him saying something but, didn't catch it.

Suddenly, he turned around and our eyes met. He smiled at me as if he knew I was there all along.

He started walking up to me.

I blushed when he grabbed my waist and pulled me to him as soon as he reached me.
"J-Jack," I said, blushing.

He smiled and looked into my eyes.
"Thought I told you to go home first, you little curious princess," he said and I blushed.

He didn't even need my support. He got it all planned from the start. I felt bad for not putting more trust in him.
"I-I was just worried," I said, looking down.

What if he is disappointed?

I heard him chuckled and he pulled me closer. Suddenly, I noticed that Hiccup and Astrid were gone.

I blushed when Jack gently grabbed my face and made me look at him. The incident from the morning rushed back into my head and I started to become nervous like hell.

He chuckled and blushed a bit as he smiled at me.
"Since you came here, I am sure you already know about the whole title thing," he said, blushing and I chuckled.

"The uncrowned King of the Naughty List, huh?" I teased and he chuckled.
"I hope you don't mind with that," he said and I smiled.

Well, I'd be lying if I say I didn't like it.

"It suits you well," I said and he rose a brow, smirking.
"Does that mean you like it?" he asked.
"Maybe~" I said and we laughed.

Then, it went silent again.
He started blushing as he scratched the back of his neck.
"So...about the kiss in the morning..." he said and I started blushing.

"I should have asked for your permission first and I am sorry for that know what?"he said and our eyes met again.
"What?" I asked and he smiled at me.

Before I could say anything, his lips were on mine again. I started blushing madly at his sudden action.
Slowly, I kissed him back and we started kissing each other passionately.

Soon, he broke the kiss and I inhaled a lot of oxygen, blushing a mess.
His eyes were piercing straigt into my eyes as if they were looking into my soul.

My heart was racing and I am sure I am like a tomatoe right now.
"I surely don't regret doing it," he finished his scentence from earlier ago and smiled at me sweetly.

I blushed and couldn't help but, smile as I looked away.

Damn, this guy sure knows how to woo me off my feet.

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