The L-Virus Time

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Your pov,

I yawned as I walked out of the class and started heading to the History Class.
I reached to Jim and Quasi who were talking with each other.
"Hey guys. What's up?" I said as I stopped by them.

They waved at me.
"Nah. Just discussing what we should do next in our art club," Quais said and I nodded in a understanding way.

"How about you?" Jim asked, opening his locker.
"Enjoying a new day with no Gaston bugging me anymore," I said and they laughed.
"Haha. Good for you," Jim said as he took out a few books from his locker.

Just then, my eyes landed on a photo inside Jim's locker.
"Is that...Ariel?" I said, raising a brow.

Jim blushed madly and quickly slammed his locker close while Quasi smirked.
"N-No!" Jim said, blushing a mess and I smirked, amused.

"Oh, really? Could it be that you are..." I trailed and...
"Haha. Jimbo got a crush on the Tritondottir girl," Quasi said and I smirked when Jim looked even more flustered.

"Quasimodo Frollo! You keep your mouth sealed!" Jim scolded, shooting a glare at Quais. He looked flustered.
I never thought Jim would have a huge crush on Ariel.

Wait did he just say Frollo? Quasi's last name is Frollo? But, Punzie's last name is also Frollo...

Could it be?

"Don't jump to conclusions. I-I just liek red-heads that's all!" Jim said and Quasi smirked as he patted his head.
"Well, I'm flattered," Quasi said and I giggled.

"Say, Quasi. I just realized that you and Punzie got the same last name. Could it be that you two are siblings?" I asked.
"Yep. She is my sister," Quasi said and my eyes widened.
"Y-you mean that too incredibly young to be a mother lady is your mother to do?!" I asked, shocked.

"Yep. That's Mother Gothel, you always go to school with that Frost boy early so, you don't see her picking me me and Punzie up," Quasi said and I was more than shocked.

"Shocked?" Jim asked, smirking.
"Double shocked," I said and they chuckled.

"Anyway, I gotta go. See you guys in P.E," I said and said goodbye to them as I continued to walk towards my next class.

I walked into the History class, humming softly.
I saw Meg and Adams sitting together and walked up to them.
"Hey guys!" I greeted as I sat down next to Adams.

"Hey (n/n)," Meg said, waving at me.
"Oh, hey (n/n). What's up?" Adams said, looking depressed.
"What's wrong?" I asked, sensing something was wrong.

Adams sighed.
"Beast boy here got infected by the L-Virus like you," Meg said and I rolled my eyes a bit before smiling.
"Let me guess... is it Belle?" I said and Adams looked at me shocked while Meg chuckled.

"What th-How did you know that?" he said and I chuckled.
" two were pretty obvious when you guys fight. Plus, I heard she comes to stay at your place when her dad is off to bussiness trips," I said and Adams sighed as he ruffled his hair.

Eventually, the lesson started and it was an awkward silence with the depressed Adams beside me.

Adams is usually the unfriendly bad boy style but, looking at him now...
He is not like when I first met him before. He is starting to become a less bad boy style.
I decided to give Adams a little push.

"Just...try to get close to her," I said, trying to comfort him. Once again, he sighed.

"It's not that easy. We got so many things in difference. Even if I try to talk to her, we would end up arguing," Adams said as the lesson ended.

We started heading out of the class.
"Just...try again. Who knows? Maybe she will give you another chance," I said and he looked unsure.

"I don't know..."he mumbled.
"Oh, look, there's your sweet little nerdy," Meg teasted, pointing over at Belle who is talking with Ariel, Punzie and Tiana.

Adams jumped and dusted himself of, trying to tidy up.
"Why not offer her a ride home?" I suggested and he blushed, looking all nervous.

"When you walk over to her, give her a smile," Meg said, holding a hand on her waist.
"Don't be too intimidating," I said, taking out my phone.
"Try to say something witty"
"Make her laugh"
"And above all..." Meg trailed.

"You must control your temper!!" Meg and I said at the same time with serious looks.

Adams looked surprised.
"Alright. Alright. I get it," he said and started walking up to Belle with Meg and me following him.
"Hello, Belle and ladies," Adams said, smiling as he waved at Belle nervously.

He looked over at Meg and me and we gave him a thumbs up, gesturing him to keep the pace.

"Hello you...?" Belle said, looking surprised. The girls looked at Adams with a raised brow.
Adams smiled nervously as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Thought I could give you a ride home after school," Adams said, smiling nervously.

That's it, Adams. Keep going.

"Nope. Not riding your death-trap with you," Belle said and I rose a brow.
"Death-trap?" I questioned, confused.
"His motorcycle," Ariel said and I nodded in an understanding way.

I looked back at Adams who is starting to look troubled.
"But, we're going there anyway," Adams said, looking over at us again.

Meg gave him the "keep it cool" look while I mouthed him that.
He forced up a smile as he added.
"To my house. Where you live," he said.

"No thanks. I can manage," Belle said and that was it.
Adams exploded.
"Fine! Then, walk! You ungrateful brat!" he yelled and they started glaring at each other.
"I will!" Belle yelled and with that, she stomped away, mad.

The rest of us sweat dropped and Adams glated at us.
"What?! Don't give me that! You see how she acted!" he said and Meg gave him a "really?" look while I sighed.
"You got a long way to go, beast boy" Meg said and I nodded.

I said goodbye to them and started walking away with Ariel and Punzie towards the changing room to prepare for the P.E class.
We walked into the changing room, chatting and talking.

"So, you're telling me that you are not gonna tell Eric no matter what?" I asked to Ariel who sighed as we took our clothes off and started changing into our P.E outfits.

"I's just...I can't," Ariel said and I sighed.
"Well, we aren't judging you, Ariel but, really, either you tell him and seize the chance or..." Punzie trailed.

"Wait for another chance to woo him," I said as I pulled my shirt down and fixed my hair, putting my phone in the locker as well.
Ariel smiled as we all finished changing.
"You're right. I will wait for another chance," she said and we smiled as I opened the door.

My eyes furrowed when I saw something which wasn't exactly good.
"Yep. I am sure it will come around, Ariel. Don't give up!" Punzie said and the two of them started coming to the door with Ariel smiling happily as she nodded.

Sadly, that smile is gonna fade away when she sees this.

"Or...just ask him out. Maybe you might wanna be quick about it?" I said just when the two of them stopped at the door.

They frowned when they saw Vanessa and Eric flirting each other with Vanessa leaning against the wall and Eric has put a hand beside her head as if he was trapping her there. Eric, I don't hate you but, I seriously feel like slapping you right now. Punzie glared at Eric, obviously, annoyed while Ariel looked down with a frown.

"Come on, guys. Let's just go..." Ariel said and we sighed as we started walking away from the two.  

Poor, Ariel. We seriously need to get that chance as fast as possible!

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