SFIT Showcase

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(Y/n)'s pov,

I smiled happily as I grabbed my purse, ready to head out to the science fair that Anna and Elsa invited me to.

I smiled happily as I grabbed my purse, ready to head out to the science fair that Anna and Elsa invited me to

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I hummed softly as I headed out of the house. Omg! I can't wait to get there! This is the first time I got invited to a science showcase!

Soon, I reached to the place where the science fair is going on. Suddenly, someone bumped into me, back to back.
"Whoa!" I exclaimed, luckily managed to balance myself before falling down.
"Whoops, sorry! Didn't see you there," the guy who bumped into me apologized, turning towards me.

"Haha. No bigge," I said, smiling.
He smiled at me.
"Haha. You here for the showcase too?" he asked.
"Yep. My friend invited me here. I can't wait to check it out though!" I said and he laughed.

"Cool! My name's Tadashi. Tadashi Hamada. I am here for my little bro. I am a student from the Institute of Technology which you may probably know as the nerd school," he said as we shook our hands, smiling.

"I am (Y/n) from Walt Disney High," I said and he looked surprised.
"Walt Disney High? I used to go there before I went here," Tadashi said and I smiled, amazed.
"Really? Then, you are my senior. Mind if I call you senpai?" I asked and he laughed, shrugging.
"Sure, little junior. Come on, let's get going. I will show you around," he said and I smiled happily.

"Thanks!" I said and we started talking as we headed into the building.
Tadashi started showing me around and I looked around excitedly. There are so many intresting things!

Soon, Tadashi had to go and we parted our ways. I looked around and soon, I saw someone totally unexpected there.

I walked up to him and where his invention was.
"Jim??" I said and he turned to me, smiling.

"Hey (n/n). Never thought I would meet you here.What's up?" he asked.
I smiled at him.
"I was just lookig around and...I saw you. Wow, did you make that?" I asked, looking at his cool invention.

He smiled excitedly.
"Yep. Wanna check it out?" he asked.
"Sure!" I said and he smiled.

"Sure!" I said and he smiled

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