The Charmless Over-Confident Guys

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Your pov,

I yawned as I walked into the school,
tired after babysitting last night.
Well,I couldn't help it.I have to work to save some money and I don't wanna ask Grandma or my dad for it.He will think that I am still not ready to stand on my own feet.

Ok,(Y/n),keep it together or you will have to go to that horrible
home-schooled life again.

Besides,the kids are really cute and I like babysitting job too.

I reached to my locker and put some of my stuffs in.Ariel and Raps aka Rapunzle walked up to me,smiling.

"Hey (Y/n)!Morning!"Raps said and I smiled at them,closing my locker.

"Hey guys!Good morning to you too.How did it go after the concert?I didn't see you guys after it,"I said and they smiled happily which I assume that something good happened to them.
I smiled at them.

"Look at those smiles on your faces.If it is something good,please share~"I said,smiling.
They giggled and blushed.
Difinitely,there's something I can hear from them.
Just then,Eric passed by us and waved at us,smiling.
"Hey girls!Hey Ariel!"

Raps and I looked at each other as we waved back at Eric,watching Ariel greeting back Eric happily.
We smirked and looked at Ariel.
"Someone is really happy,"I said and Ariel smiled as she blushed.
"Well...Eric and I...hanged out after the concert,in a cafe,"she said and we gasped as we listened to Ariel talking about what happened with Eric after the concert and Punzie with Eugene.

But then,they turned to me,smirking.
I looked at them with a questioning look.

"A  little bird told me that you and Jack got a little encounter and...I bet there are sparks flying between you two~"Punzie said and I started blushing madly while Ariel giggled.

I laughed nervously.
"Haha.What??Who told you that?Of course,not.W-we just happened to know each other by accident,"I explained,mentally cursing myself for stuttering.

They smirked even more and I bit my lips,blushing as memories of Jack and me dancing flashed back in my mind again.
"Come on,(n/n).It's your turn to share~"Ariel said and I glupped as I tried to control my nerve.

I can't possibly like Jack,can I?

Just then,Anna walked up to us,smiling.Ah,my saviour!

"Hey Anna!Over here!"I said,waving at her.She laughed and waved back while Raps and Ariel turned to greet her.


"Hey Anna!How did it go after the concert.We didn't see you after Hans came and took you away,"Punzie said and Anna frowned a bit as she forced up a smile.

",I guess,"she said and I rose my brow,sensing that something was off.

Anna and I have same classes today.
Maybe,I will ask her later.
Just then,the school bell rang.
Well,time for class.

Raps and Ariel waved us goodbye and rushed away to their classes while Anna and I walked to our class which happened to be English in the first period.
"Everything ok,Anna?You look a bit down today,"I said as we sat down in the back of the class.
Anna smiled and shook her head,
obviously showing that everything's  not fine at all.
"Everything's fine.It's just that...I don't know,"Anna said,sighing as she looked down.

"You know you can tell me everything,right?"I said and she smiled at me.

She was about to speak but,stopped when she saws Hans walked into the class.She quickly looked away from him when he started to walk up to us and I immediately noticed the tension.

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