Action...Set and Let the Drama begins!

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I was walking to the cafeteria where I agreed to meet with the girls. It was lunch time and today is my third day at school and I have met so many friends now.
"Hey newbie girl!" Megara aka Meg said as she waved at me. I smiled as I waved at her and Adam and Kida who were with her. They waved at me back as I continued to walk towards the cafeteria. By now, I've realized that one thing Hercules and I have in common was that we were both the type of person who gets along with anyone.

Hercules has a huge crush on Meg and the beast boy aka Adam got a crush on Belle who is very friendly and nice.

I saw Ariel and Al and smiled as I walked up to them. They were looking at something and suddenly, I noticed that only three of us were in the hallways.
Everyone must've gone for lunch already.

"Hey guys,wha-mmph!"I was cut off by Al who put a hand on my mouth and pulled me behind the wall, shushing me to be quiet with Ariel doing the same as they let me go.

I asked Al what the hell was going on in a low voice and he pointed me to the campus outside.
I looked at where he pointed only to see Eric and Vanessa fighting in the campus.

I didn't mean to spy but, I really couldn't pull myself away from here.
We watched Vanessa who were yelling at poor Eric who looked like he is trying to explain her.

But then, Vanessa pushed Eric's chest and stomped away angrily while we hid behind the wall not to get busted. "Wow, looks to me like they just broke up," I said and Al gave me a look.

"They did just break up, (Y/n),"Al said and my eyes widened.
"You are kidding me, right?" I said and Al shook his head as he scratched his head.

Eric and Vanessa were dating?!

"You see...Vanessa, the sea witch in my terms is very very dirty, "Al said,
narrowing his eyes. The sea witch??
He nudged Ariel's arm. They are really close too.
"And Ariel, now is your chance," Al said and Ariel started blushing madly.

"What??No! I can't do that," she said, with her cheeks reddening as she looked down.
I knew it! Ariel likes Eric! "Ariel, Al's right. Now is you chance. I mean just give some time to Eric and then, you can warm up to him," I said and Al nodded as we high-fived.

Ariel sighed.
", he will never like me back. Eric only sees me as a friend," she said and Al and I shared a look.

"You know what? I think I know what you need," I said and Ariel and Al looked at me with questioning looks.
"You have to hang out after the concert," I said and Al rose a brow before he agreed.

"She's right. That's a good idea, (Y/n)! Ariel, you have got to hang out with Eric that day no matter what," Al said, emphasizing on the last three words while I nodded approvingly.

Ariel was hesitating to say anything.I held her hand.
"Ariel, trust me. I got your back. Al got your back. We got your back," I said and Al nodded, agreeing with what I said, smiling. Ariel looked at us and smiled, holding my hand back. We started to talk about random stuffs as we walked to the cafeteria together. Al went to sit with his gang where there is also Eric who looked quite upset. The guys talked to him, trying to convince that Vanessa isn't worth it.

I smiled as the girls and I talked about our plan to go to the concert.
Merida and I decided that we will be the ones to sneak Punzie out while Anna and Ariel gets to go ahead of us for Ariel to get a chance with Eric.

Merida said that she and Punzie had a few friends who could help us. This is so exciting! I can't wait to hang out with everyone.

I also invited Bello, Milo, Esmerelda, Quasi and Jane so, we could meet up at the concert. After all, we are all gonna party hard that night.

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