Under Pressure

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Your pov,

I glupped a bit, feeling uneasy. This is bad. I watched Jack and Gaston glared at each other.
Gosh...why am I feeling like this is not gonna end up so well?

"Need something?" Jack asked, staring at Gaston coldly.
Gaston narrowed his eyes.
"Ah~Yes. I believe you and I have some matters to solve," Gaston said, smiling with a hint of wickedness.

Jack smirked.
"Oh yeah? Like what?" he said cascually holding me closer to him, making Gaston looks even more annoyed.

Gaston crossed his arms.
"Why would a student from Dreamworks like you would date a girl like (Y/n) from your rival school?" he said and Jack snickered as he gently let me go and took one step closer to Gaston.

I watched them silently, not knowing what to say or what to do.
"Rival school? You say? I never considered Walt Disney High as my rival school. I got friends over here and plus, a very special princess as well," Jack said and glanced at me with a very sweet smile on his face, making me blushed.

0////0. How can he make me blush even in a situation like this? And why is he so handsome?!

"As far as I'm concerned, why do you care about my bussiness?" Jack asked, his expression changing back into a cold one once again.

Gaston and Jack started glaring at each other again. I noticed the size difference between them and started to get worried.

Omg, if a fight happens, it's not gonna end up well.
"(Y/n) is my-girlfriend-to-be. And that means she is mine," Gaston said and I rolled my eyes, annoyed.
"Yea, right. Gaston, I told you a million times! I am not interested in you!" I said and Gaston glanced at me while Jack chuckled.

"Hear that, Le Gume? The lady says she is not interested in you and when the lady says no, it means never," Jack said, smirking.
Gaston growled and glared at Jack even harder.
"Why don't we go settle this man to man?" Gaston said, cracking his kunckles.

Oh no. People started to stare at us.

I was about to step in, opening my mouth but,Jack grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to behind him, smirking amusingly as he continued to stand in front of me.
"Fine by me. After school, same place," Jack said and I looked at him confused.

But, he ignored me and continued to stare at Gaston with a sly smirk.
What does he mean by same place?
"Alright. You better be there on time, Frost. We will settle this today," Gaston said and glared at Jack before walking into the school.

Jack scoffed and put his hands in his pocket.
"Yea, right," he said.

A few people passed by whispering a lot of things and looking at Jack.

With so many questiona exploding in my mind, I stepped forward in front of Jack.
"Jack, what are you doing? What do you mean by same place? You are not going to fight Gaston, are you?" I said and started asking so many question, suttering.

Jack stopped me, holding me arms gently.
"Snowflake. Snowflake, slow down. No, of course not. I am just gonna show him that he shouldn't be around you. He can't beat me," he said and I frowned a bit.

Before I could say anything, he shushed me, cupping my lips.
"Hey relax. Trust me. I got this," Jack said, looking into my eyes.

He is gonna fight Gaston because of me. How am I supposed to relax?
"But..." I said but, he stopped me again.
"Shh...trust me. I might not be able to pick you up after school today. Why not go home with Merida or Ariel? I promise. Nothing is gonna happen to me," he said and I looked at him, frowning.

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