Whisper of the Heart before Halloween

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(Y/n)'s pov,

I hummed happily as I walked out of my class, thinking of how I should get dress up for tomorrow.
"Hey (n/n)! Wow, look at you. Looking all excited," Ariel said as she and the girls walked up to me.

I smiled at them.
"Of course! After all, the best time of the year's coming. Tomorrow's Halloween!" I said and twirled around before facing them again smiling.

They chuckled.
"Yep! I can't wait for tomorrow to come," Ariel said.
"Any costumes you guys wearing?" Anna asked.
"That's a secret," I said, winking and we laughed.

We started chatting as we walked out of our school.
"Well, I hope you guys enjoy tomorrow then. I can't go out tomorrow...unfortunately," Punzie said, sighing and we frowned.

"What? Come on, Raps. It's the biggest time of the year. Why not?" I asked and she sighed.
"Well...it's just my mother wouldn't let me," she said and we groaned in annoyance.

"Come on. Can't that old woman let you go out for once?" Merida said, talking about Punzie's mother, Mother Gothel.
"Tell me about it, I really wish I could come along with you guys" Punzie said, sighing.

Just then, the guys stopped by us.
"Whoa. Whoa. Come on, Punzel. Not you too. What do you mean you are not coming? Of course, you have to come, Punzel," Flyn said, looking all worked up and determined to get Punzie come.

I rose a brow smiling cuz,I knew that Flyn has been crushing on Punzie lately.
"I wish I could, Flyn. I can't just convince her at all," she said and we sighed.
"Or our father," Quasi said, sighing.
"How about we come and sneak you out?" Flyn asked, hoping Punzie would say yes.

"I don't know..." Punzie said, looking down. Suddenly it hit me.
"Say...I got an idea. How about...making your parents go out for dinner?" I suggested and they all looked at me with a surprised look.

"That's a good idea," Anna said, smiling excitedly.
"Yea! The only problem is what's the occasion to make them go out??" Punzie said, frowning once again.
"Tell them that you got two free VIP tickets to the Muses's show. Here take it. My mom and dad planned go but, they decided to go to Europe instead and...I got no use for them so...you can have them," Herc said, taking out two Vip tickets to the Muses theatre and our jaws dropped.

VIP tickets?!! The Olympus family sure is rich.

"A-Are you sure?" Punzie asked, looking all surprised.
"Haha. Positive. Believe me. Your parents won't say no for that. Even normal tickets are hard to get and the show is awesome," Herc said, smiling.


"Wow, thanks, Herc. We own you big this time," Quasi said.
"Yea! Thank you so much!" Punzie said as both of them smiled happily.

We smiled.
"Then it's settle! We are all going out for Halloween!" Flyn said and I smiled slyly, watching Ariel and Eric talk to each other.
"What costumes are you wearing, (n/n)?" Raps asked.

I smiled and winked at her.
"That's a secret, Raps. No spoilers until tomorrow," I said and she laughed.

"Haha.Ok.Ok.See you girls, tomorrow then," Flyn said and we said goodbye as we parted our ways, ready to head home.

I smiled when I saw Jack standing there in front of the gate, waiting for me.
"Jack!" I called as I started running up to him.

He opened his arms and let me fell into his chest as soon as I reached to him.
"Hey sweetheart. How was your day?" he asked, kissing my forehead as we started to walk away from the school.

"It's great as usual. How about you?" I asked, letting him hold my hand.
"Yep. Same here. Say...would you like to become my date for tomorrow? We can go on trick or treat together," he said and I smiled happily.

"Sure! I'd love that," I said and he smiled. We continued to walk, talking about silly things.

Then, we stopped by an empty old shop that has been long closed.
"That's strange...was it here before?" I mumbled and Jack looked over to the building as well, putting his arm around my shoulders.

"Odd...I never noticed it before too," Jack said and I rose a brow.

We decided to continue our way to my house.
Suddenly, I heard my name being called by a familiar voice.

I turned around and smiled when I saw Grandma walking up to us with shopping bags in her hand.
"Grandma!" I called as I ran up to her and hugged her, smiling happily.

She chuckled gently and patted ny head as I pulled away.
"Hah, how was your day, dear?" she asked.
"It was great. I was just about to come home," I said as I carried the bags for her.

She turned to Jack who was smiling.
"Oh...who's this young man here?" she asked and we blushed, smiling.

"H-He's my...boyfriend," I said, blushing and Grandma smiled sweetly while Jack looked at me with a pair of very sparkling happy eyes.

He turned to grandma, smiling like a dork.
"Hello Grandma! My name's Jack! Nice to meet you," Jack said, greeting politely and Grandma laughed.
"Haha. Nice to meet you too, Jack. What a nice young handsome man. Take care of (Y/n), ok?" Grandma said and Jack smiled sheepishly.

"Of course! (Y/n)'s my precious princess. I am afraid someone else will steal her away from me if I take my eyes off her," Jack said and I shook my head, smiling.

Grandma chuckled and smiled as she watched Jack took the shopping bags from me.
"Haha. That's the spirit. Since you are here, why not join us for dinner? I will cook my special dish for you," Grandma said and Jack smiled happily as he put his arms around Grandma.
"Of course, I'd love to stay. How can I help?" he said and he and Grandma started talking as they started heading to our house.

I smiled, watching them as I followed.

After dinner,

I laughed at Jack's silly joke as we finished washing the dishes. We walked towards the counter. Jack smiled and suddenly, he trapped me between the counter and him, capturing my lips at the same time.

I blushed and kissed him back as we started to kiss each other passionately.
He slowly lifted me up and placed me on the counter, barely letting me catch a breathe before he started kissing me even more.

I blushed madly when I felt his tongue slipped into my mouth and started exploring, claming his territory.
Our makeout session became more steamier.

Soon, we broke away, panting heavily.
I blushed even more, seeing that small string of saliva connecting our lips.

He smiled, looking at me in the eyes.
"You're so goddamn beautiful," he said and I blushed, turning my head away nervously.

He smiled and leaned into my ear, still holding me in the same spot.
"I love you,"he whispered and my eyes widened, blushing.

I felt my heart skipped even more.

W-What did he just say?
Our eyes met.
He chuckled and ruffled my hair.
"Well, I have to go now. It's getting late," Jack said.
"O-Oh, ok. Sure, I will walk you to the door," I said and he smiled as we walked into the living room.

I blushed, watching Jack picked up his bag. Did he mean what he just said? More precisely, did I hear it right?
Does he really...
I didn't dare to ask him that.

We walked to the door and I opened the door for him nervously.
"Well, see you tomorrow, princess. Goodnight," he said and quickly pecked my lips before waving at me and walked away.

I blushed and waved back, closing the door. I looked down, blushing.
My god, did he really say it?!
I felt my heart beating even more faster.

Gosh, I am falling even harder for him!

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