The Concert

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I smiled as I stared at him, shocked. He smiled, looking at me as well.
The two of us started talking the same thing.
"I remember you! You are that guy/girl the other day!"

We laughed as we stopped talking. Merida and Hiccup looked at us with questioning looks with their eyes suggesting something like suspicion. "You guys know each other?" Merida asked, raising a brow.

"Umm...yea, but, not really. We just happened to bump into each other on my first day," I said, making Hiccup and Merida rose a brow at Jack who laughed nervously, scratching the back of his neck. He turned to me and smiled.

"Haha, yea. Small world, isn't it? Umm...glad to see you again, I am Jack, Jack Frost," he said, offering me his hand to shake. I smiled and shook his hand.
"I am (Y/n). Nice to meet you guys," I said and Hiccup and Jack smiled before Hiccup started driving. "So...where does Punzie live?" I asked and before Merida could tell anything, she and I received a text.

Mine was from Al.

Al : Hey (N/n),change of plan. Eugene wanted to pick up Blondie and he is already on his way.

"Hey, Al said that Flyn is gonna pick up Punzie,"I said.
"True, Punzie just texted me that Flyn got to her house to sneak her out. Now, they are on their way," Merida said, looking at her phone screen.

"Then, I guess we go straight to the concert then," Jack said, leaning back in his seat.
"Well then, next stop, to the concert," Hiccup said, turning the car to the right.

I smiled as I leant back in my seat.
Merida kept directing Hiccup to the concert while Jack and I sat in silence.
Jack fake coughed for a bit, drawing my attention.

" look nice. I mean you looked good the other day too but, look gorgeous in that outfit," he said and I couldn't help but blushed.

Omg, am I crushing on him?

"Umm...thanks," I said and he smiled.

The rest of the ride, we sat in awkward silence until we reached to the concert.

Hiccup parked as we all got off the car and started walking to where everyone from our school was.

I excused myself for a while from Merida, Jack and Hiccup as I went to find Ariel and Anna.

Soon, I found them to see that Ariel has been hesitating to approach Eric.
She and Anna were just near Eric and his band.
Punzie walked up to me after she waved at Flyn who walked away towards his band.

"Hey (N/n),what's up? Oh, did you meet the guys?"Punzie asked and I smiled as I nodded.
"You mean Jack and Hiccup? Yea, I met them. They are really nice," I said and she smiled as we walked up to Ariel and Anna.

"Hey guys! You ready?" I asked and Anna nodded.
"Ariel, how about you?" I asked Ariel who looked excited yet nervous.
"Yea...but, will it be ok?" she said and we smiled at her.

"It is ok, girl. Just breathe and go talk to him, come on," Anna said as we walked towards Eric and his band.

"Hey guys! Looking sharp," I said and they smiled at me.
"Thanks,(Y/n)!You girls look gorgeous as always,"Flyn said,

We started having a casual chat with the guys. In the corner of my eyes, I could see Ariel and Eric starting to talk casually, smiling and laughing. A guy with brown hair and a funny hat came up and walked away with Anna. I wondered who that is and Flyn told me that it was Anna's boyfriend.

I was kinda disturbed cuz, that guy looked totally fishy and I didn't like him being with Anna.

I also met with Kuzco and Naveen who were really nice and funny, also they are on the band.

Soon, it was almost time for the concert to begin so, Punzie and I said goodbye to the guys and decided to go find Merida, Jack and Hiccup.

Just when we found them, the music started and Eric and his band were playing.

And boy, the music sure was great!
We started dancing along the music,
laughing as we continued to enjoy the music.

On the third song, the music sure was romantics. Punzie grabbed Merida and decided to go to the front line to cheer along with Ariel.

I could see Eric smiling at Ariel as he sang. Hiccup had to take a phone call so, he went the other way leaving me and Jack alone.

As the song began, Jack slowly approached me as he grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it, making me blush.
"May I have this dance?" he asked and I blushed. I could feel my heart beating so fast as I nodded. He smiled and warped his arm around my waist as he pulled me to somewhere less crowded.

He grabbed my waist and gently held my hand while I put my other hand on his shoulder.
I blushed as we started dancing, under a tree with the song. We are so close right now.

Our eyes met and I felt him pull me closer to him as we danced with the song.

I laughed as he spund me around and then, pulled me back to him.
It is like there are only the two of us right now. Everything was so different.

When the song ended, Jack pulled .e to him and held me tight. He leaned into my ear and whispered. "You look perfect tonight," he sang  the last part of the song into my ear in a whisper, sending shivers down my spine.

I blushed at his actions, my heart beating so crazy that I had to fear if Jack might hear.
He slowly started to pull away and our eyes met as I breathe hitched,
slowly started to become lost in his ocean blue eyes.

It can't be. I can't be feeling this way just yet .I just met him for the sake of the moon but...

I can't fall in love now...can I?

Meanwhile, with the girls,

They cheered happily after the song ended, asking for encore along with the crowd.

Ariel blushed when Eric looked in her direction and mouthed "thank you" to her for cheering him up earlier ago.
Punzie and Merida were cheering too.
Flyn winked at Punzie who blushed and looked down.

They started playing another song.

Tonight was not just about the concert. It was also the night for our girls to start having feelings for certain guys.

Will they be able to see each other's feelings?

The Teenage Drama {Jack Frost X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now