Day 1: My personality

36 4 11

I am the type of person who's closed off when you meet me, but a complete whacko when I'm comfortable around you. I'm pretty extroverted after a while, and love having fun.

In my opinion, I'm a bubbly person, but catch me at the wrong time and I'm a monster. (well, according to my brother) 

I love outdoors and honestly, I've got at least 80% of tomboy in me. Sure, I love being a girl (sometimes) but doing things that people generally don't approve of girls doing is what makes being a tomboy all the more fun. Right?

I'm a complete Potterhead (any fellow slytherin's out there?), baby lover, bookworm, baker, nerd,writer, designer(or well, I'm on my way there) all while being the most boring person on Earth.

I'm lazy and careless and the most absent-minded person ever. Spending my days reading Wattpad and eating chocolate is EXACTLY the thing that's gonna get me through my high school years. 


This is it for my personality... I think. 
Hope you enjoyed reading it and bonded over at least one thing with me.

Day 1: Complete


Addy <3

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