Day 11: My sibling

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I only have one sibling- a little brother. Well, he's not so little. He's 2 years younger than me. He and I are like chalk and cheese. We argue constantly, bicker and fight and then suddenly, we're all good. It's what we do. 

My brother is slightly taller than me, is protective in his own way, loves outdoors, Riverdale (whatttt????) and food. He's actually worse than me when it comes to food. He's like a bottomless pit. 

He's favorite colour is blue.

He hates school.

He's way of learning is by listening to what you say instead of having to write it down. 

He loves babies.

He's a total mommas boy. (aren't all guys?) 

He loves riding his bike.

He's a good person other than all our arguments and meaningless fights. He cares for me... when it suits him and I'm okay with that. It's nice to know that he has my back when I need him.

Bro, if you ever see this... I love you. I don't say it often enough and I probably will never, but I actually do. You're a great brother and I'd never trade you for the world<3



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Day 11: complete

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