Day 5: My parents

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My parents. Without them, I am nothing. Through thick and thin; they've always been there. 

Mum- My birthgiver- You carried me for 9 months, held me for the first time in your arms, nurtured me, looked after me when I was healthy, when I was sick. You've given me more than what I can ask for. I will never be able to repay you for everything that you've done. My Jannah lies upon your feet.

My mum is the type of person who's always bubbly and cheerful. When she is sad, it is like our whole family is down. My mum and I argue a lot. We have very different ideas and ways to do things. Most of the time, hers is better. But, of course, I'm too stubborn to openly admit it. According to everyone I know, I've got most of my mums looks. I disagree, yet I know deep down that it's true. Our personalities are different, but at the end of the day, she's my mum and I will always take a lot after her. I love you Mum. Forever and Always. <3

Dad- There are no words to describe how grateful I am for you. I argue, fight, annoy and trouble you all the time, I know. It's my way of showing my gratitude and love, in a weird crazy way. Every time you're upset with me, Allah is displeased. And InshaAllah you aren't ever upset with me. Aameen.

My dad is the person who I will always go to for advice. He gives me the best advice and always shows me the right way. He's always willing to help and rarely gets angry even I push all his buttons. I get a lot of my personality from my dad- especially my ability to argue. My father looks strict, he is- to a certain extent. There's time for work and time for play- that's what he always says. He is one of the most important people in my life and I make dua that I always have My parents in my life- for as long as possible. 


Heyyyy guys. 

How was this? Lemme know what you think in the comments.

Day 5: Complete


Addy <3

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