Day 8: The power of music

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I used to listen to music regularly until this past Ramadhaan. My dad was telling us a story that those who will follow Dajjal will follow him when he plays the music that we think is so harmless today. He will play the music, and those Kaafirs(disbelievers) that always listen to music will fall into his trap and be on the opposing side of Islaam. 

Since that day, I deleted all my music and turned to listening to nasheeds and Qura'an. 

This aayah ^ has been my motto ever since I gave up on a lot of things

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This aayah ^ has been my motto ever since I gave up on a lot of things. In all my bad times, I turned to the Qura'an and nasheeds that have so much meaning. The Qura'an is a melody itself. The power of the Qura'an. 

Instead of wallowing your sorrows and griefs in music and creating a heartbreak playlist; listen to the Qura'an and you will immediately find peace. 


Day 8: complete

how was it????

This challenge is really teaching me things. What about you guys?


Addy <3

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