Day 12: My favourite TV series

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What's it going to be? 

This one's a tough one. lately, I've been watching more series and I've watched a lot of different ones. 

Jane the Virgin- highly recommended, it's hilarious. 

Baker and the Beauty- the 2020 version is Bomb!! Probably one of the best series I've watched. 

Party of Five-  Amazing. I love how connected they become as a family. 

Greenhouse Academy- Leo and Hailey are my ship. They're sooo cute.

The Neighbourhood- Calvin is me! That show is THE best for laughs. It's simply hilarious. 

These are some of the ones I love. There are others, but I can't really remember right now. 

Anyways, if you do watch these or are going to watch them, tell me what you think about it.


Day 12: Complete

How was it?

Lemme know what you think about it. 



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