Day 23: A letter

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You strode(literally) into my life, unexpected. You made me believe that you were real and perfect. You gave me a hope I never knew I  had. You crushed down my walls, only to make me realize why I had them built so high. You showed me what it felt like to be given everything one day and then stripped me off it the next.

You thought what you did was okay. That it was perfectly fine. How could you? I placed all my trust in you and you crushed it like it meant nothing. Was it all a joke to you? 

Everyone always told me things happen for a reason. What was your reason for doing what you did? Do you even have one? Or was it all a ploy until you got what you really wanted?

I'm glad you left when you did, because if you were still here, I wouldn't be as strong as I am now.

I hope you're happy. I really do. And I wish you good luck looking for me in every other girl you see.

One day, you're going to realize what you lost, and I won't be waiting. I'll be happy somewhere else. Without you.


Day 23:Complete

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