Day 17: Ways to win my heart

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I'm hard to please. I am straight forward and uptight. It's not a good thing, but everyone has circumstances that make them the way they are. Although, through my hard exterior, I do have a heart.

Ways to win me over: I don't know who would want to, since I'm such a bore, but here goes:

1. Listen to me. I ramble and rant and overthink way too much. Knowing that you listen to what I say means so much because it shows that you care. 

2. Mini gestures. It's the little things. A compliment here and there. Make me feel like you care and it's not a joke. 

3. Poems. I'm a sucker for poetry. The meaning behind it is always the most important part.

4. Make me laugh. Whenever, whatever, however! As long as you know what to do when I need a laugh is enough for me. 

5.  Be spontaneous. I don't mean go all out and do something insane... again. It's the little things. Buy me flowers once in a while or do something you know I like that you haven't done in a while.

6.Have your own opinion. This one might seem weird but you shouldn't have to agree with everything I say. You being you while at the same time considering me means something.

7. Be a gentleman. That DOES NOT mean help every girl in your wake. Be nice. Don't try to be cocky and tough. All guys are teddy bears under their exterior. 

8. Be protective. I'm not asking for an over-protective big brother. I'm just asking you to simply be protective of me.

9. Flex. I don't need  a guy with abs and a six-pack. Tie your shoelace on a bench. Help me with something I can't reach.

That's a long list. To whichever guy is trying to win me over, good luck. 


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Day 17: Complete

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Addy <33

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