Day 14: My style

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Here we go. 

My mum DESPISES my style. I am the more Tomboy type. 

Sneakers instead of heels

Hoodies and leggings instead of dresses

Bare face instead of cakey make-up

That's me. My mum doesn't really force me to wear make-up or heels on a daily basis but I know that she'd love it if I cared more about what I wear. 

On a daily basis, considering I'm home-schooled, is Pyjamas until 11 and then leggings or sweats and an oversized T-shirt. And if I go out, I throw an abaya (cloak like garment) and hijab(head scarf) on. 

When we go out on weekends, if I really want to, I wear jumpsuits, a dress-like top with leggings OR a fancy abaya. I DO NOT compromise my sneakers tho. If I feel like going one step further, I"ll swap my glasses out for contacts (Contacts aren't easy to be worn. I get headaches quickly and it annoys me more than it should) and I'd probably put some mascara and highlighter. 

I use chapstick on a daily basis, so on a day like that, I'd swap it for some tinted chapstick.

Basically, that's my style in a nutshell. I do make my own clothes, so its easy when choosing clothes to wear out because I've made them to suit my style. Perks of knowing how to sew.


Heyyy guys.

How are you all doing?

Day 14: complete

I had a fun time telling you guys about my messed up styles.

Tell me what you thought of it in the comment section below. 


Addy <3

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