Day 16: Someone I miss

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Hmm... there's quite a few people I miss- those who have passed(Allah grant them Jannatul Firdous Aameen), those who I live far away from, those who I used to know and now we aren't so close. I could actually name a few.

My late grandfather- He was someone extremely pious and dear to me. Every time I visited, he would always be reading Qura'an or making Zikr, or doing some form of ibaadah. May Allah grant him the highest stages in Jannah and fill his Qabr with noor. Aameen.

lamees_rawat_786 My best friend, sister, other half. I moved away from her almost around the same time she moved back to our town. Love you Meez <3

Hani_writes So, you have lived away from me your whole life. We barely see each other, but everytime we meet it's as if we were never apart. You are my advice giver, sane keeper, and my go to person for everything. I miss you so damn much it hurts.(cheesy, I know. But, she's my sister from another mother so it's okay) 

the_perfect_flower How do I put this? We were so close and drifted away as I changed schools and then left. I miss you and I hope that one day, we become as we were before. 

My last person is going to remain anonymous. For those who know me personally, I'm sorry in advance at how this is going to be worded. 

You waltzed into my life unexpectedly, gave me hope and then walked out. You taught me something I didn't expect to learn at this point in life. All the hope you helped me acquire was crushed and broken the day you hurt me by turning away. You made me realize that trust isn't something people can just receive and break and then want it again. You hurt me more than words can explain, yet at the same time, my heart yearns a piece of you. I hate the feeling because I know that it was all a joke, but the heart and brain are two separate organs. My brain has excepted it while my heart still has a glimmer of hope that somewhere along the line, something, even a millimetre of it was real. I don't actually know if I really do miss you or it's just a feeling I want to have. It's a confusing thing. 


Hey lovelies!

How is everyone doing? 

Day 16: Complete

How was it? Please tell me someone enjoys my boring words. 

Lemme know what you thought of it.


Addy <3

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