Day 30: My writing feels

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Writing is an art. Not everyone can have an idea and it will work out. You have  to be mentally prepared to write and focus on a story. 

Writing makes me feel at peace. It's an outlet from the real world. Writing is calming. It gives a sense of tranquility. Writing is one of my favourite pass times and it hurts me when I can't do it or when my ideas are stolen. 

When you write, it's meant to be your OWN ideas and thoughts that are put into your story. 

Writing will always be the thing that calms me most, aside from listening to the recitation of Qura'an. 


As salaamu Alaykum lovely readers!

JazakAllah and thank you to all those who have been with  me this past month. I am so glad to have done this challenge. I hope you all learnt something from this challenge and had a blast doing this with me. 




Pm me your feedback

If anyone has any challenges they'd like me to do, hit me up. 

Lotsa love, 


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