Day 3: A Memory

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A memory... hmmm... I've got a ton of memories.

One of my favourite memories has got to be my first international travel- Istanbul, Turkey. I experienced this amazing travel with my family in February of this year(2020).  

Istanbul was incredible. From the people to the food; to the amazing sights... it was breath taking. 

Let's start with the people. In my life, I've experienced a fair share of rude and arrogant people. These people were NOTHING like that. We had got off the tram at the wrong stop and this one guy helped us out... he couldn't really speak English and it was really sweet of him to help us out. So yes, they were really sweet and pretty welcoming.

Food. Who doesn't love food? Turkish food wasn't something I was particularly fond off but we had been to  this one restaurant and the pasta there was over the top good. Baklava is lit! I love it any time, anywhere. It has such a unique flavour that can't be matched with anything else. The only hot drink that I enjoyed there was this milk type thing called 'Sahlep'. We loved it so much we actually bought these sachets to make them at home. It's made in this specific pot and has to boil until super thick. Delicious!!! 

The sight-seeing.  There are no words to describe how spectacular the sights were. I was so intrigued by the history and the way everything was. If I ever go to Turkey again, I'm going to visit every place I've been before just because it was so amazing. 

Shopping. I didn't really do much shopping but they had some pretty good stuff. I mostly enjoyed the place and my surroundings. The weather was quite cold. It was a different feel compared to here in South Africa where we generally get hot weather. 

This trip is now a memory that I will cherish forever. What made it all the more special was being with my family and spending quality time with them. 


Hey and what's up guys? 

How was my day 3?

Day 3: Complete

I had fun taking a mini trip down memory lane. Did you enjoy reading it? Lemme now what you thought of it.


Addy <3

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