Day 19: My first love

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Now, I wish I could give you all some super cute romantic story. I CAN'T!

Instead of falling in love, I fell into infatuation. I liked this guy, we started talking, we got really close and I thought it was love. But then, he crushed my heart(or so I thought) by telling me that he was so madly in love with my cousin who WAS practically my sister. Actually, he didn't tell me. I found out on my own. I thought as if it was the end of the world, but when I really put thought into it, it didn't bother me at all. So I never fell in love. It was all a joke to him anyways so why should I have bothered feeling hurt and heartbroken.
It actually did hurt in the beginning, but honestly, it was better that I found out the type of guy he was sooner than later. Right?

Love is meant to be magical. Not forced and made to happen. It should be natural. I haven't given up on it just because of some stupid guy. No! There is the right guy out there for all of us. When Allah wills it, we shall find him. InshaAllah Aameen.

What's up beautiful readers? How are you doing on this fine Friday? Jumuah Mubarak to all my muslim readers. 💕

Day 19: Complete.

Did you enjoy it? Sorry to those who were offended or hurt by something in this part.

I love you all. Jazakallah for being here with me so far❤

Addy. <3

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