Day 4: Places I'd like to visit

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I wanna travel the world. Who doesn't??

1. Turkey. I SO wanna visit there again. I've only been to Istanbul and it was amazing. Just imagine what the other cities would be like! There's Antalya, Ankara, Cappadoccia, Bursa and so many others.

2. London. I've wanted to visit London since I read the Harry Potter series. I wanna stand in a telephone booth wishing that the floor with slowly start moving downwards as I enter the Ministry of Magic... Wouldn't that be something? 

3. Makkah Mukharramah. The beautiful Makkah which I've heard so much about. The birthplace of our beloved Nabi Muhammad(S.A.W).  It would be such a pleasure to make Tawaaf of the Ka'bah.

4. Madinah Munawarrah. A beautiful city which was the last place that Nabi (S.A.W) took his last breath at. My parents have always talked about the beauty and calmness of Makkah and Madinah, and InshaAllah one day, I make Umrah with my parents. Aameen. 

5. Cape Town- South Africa. The one place in my own country which I am DYING to visit. 


Hey guys.... how's it going?

My list isn't the longest, but its something. From these places above, which ones have you visited?

I hope this was an exciting part for you. 


Addy <3

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