Day 15: If I were to run away

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I'll admit, the thought has crossed my mind from time to time. But, at the end of the day, Allah(S.W.T) has made it such that he does not burden us with things that we cannot handle. So, no matter how tough the situation is, I know I would get through it because almighty Allah has sent everything as a test, and I hope to succeed. InshaAllah Aameen.

Although, if I were to run away, I would either go to London or Turkey. As I mentioned previously, I want to visit London more than anything. London is a bustling place, which I believe would be a nice change, compared to my peaceful town. I haven't been(obviously) therefore I do not know exactly what it is like. Turkey, however, I know for a fact that if I could live there, I'd jump at the chance. 

Since I'm such an overthinker, I wouldn't run away without overthinking all of it. 

Firstly, as I'm not 18 yet, I can't leave the country without parental coonsent, so if I were to get caught at the borders, it's already the end. BOOM! 

Secondly, South Africa's exchange rate is terrible. The money I have compared to what I would need is MILES apart.

I know, I'm a bore. Some people find my overthinking hilarious, while others leave when they know how badly I overthink. Hope you found this funny.


Hey guys. 

How's it going?

Day 15: Complete

How was it? 

I love the feedback I'm getting<3

the_perfect_flower Thanks for reading, love. I hope you enjoying my challenge. <3

Also, where are all you guys from? I'm eager to know. 



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