Day 2:Things That Make Me Happy

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1. Being around family.

There's just something about being with the people who give you life. It's an amazing feeling knowing that they're always there for you no matter what happens.

2.  Talking to friends

Who doesn't like conversing with their chosen family? It's pretty fun knowing that these people have become those who we look forward to seeing and spending time with.

3.  Baking.

The smell of freshly baked cookies is calming. Am I right? 

4. Sewing/ designing

It's something that I've taken up recently and I've gotten good at it. Holding up a finished product and knowing that all the work done is purely yours is awesome.

5. Writing.

Pouring all your feelings out and letting your fingers fly across the keyboard is a good thing when you keep things bottled up for long.

6. Reading.

Probably the most fun thing to do. It's an escape from the outside world.

7. Reading Qur'aan.

Reading the speech of Allah is something that instantly makes me happy. It's an insane feeling knowing that Allah is always there for you to turn to at any time of any day.


And this, is Day 2: Complete
How was it?

I had fun doing this... hope you had fun reading this.

Has someone bonded over things that make us happy?

Addy <3

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