Lackey - 1

285 15 7

<Art's POV>

The first thing I don't want to wake up to is my annoying brother screaming in my ear but here we are. "Okay okay, I'm up." I let out a big sigh as I push Zen off my bed.

"Mom already made breakfast for us before she left for work."

"What is it?"

"Bacon, eggs, toast."

"So the norm?"


I love my mom, don't get me wrong but bacon, eggs toast gets boring if you eat it a lot. I get out of bed then make my bed which doesn't take long then head down the stairs to eat. The smell of the food greets me when I'm at the bottom of the stairs. Zen already got himself plate and left the remaining food out for me. He looked up at me as I was getting myself a plate, "Any new friends?" He stuffed food in his mouth.

My brother is my complete opposite. Hard to believe he's younger than me by 2 years. He's popular, fit, handsome, social. Everything I'm not. "What do you think?" I snarked at him.

"I'll take that as a no. You know It's not that hard to make friends."

"Easy for you to say Mr. Hotshot."


My brother knows he's better than me. But he doesn't rub it in my face. My parents have their focus on him considering he's the youngest. My sister is already married while me and my brother are in high school. It's no surprise my parents don't pay attention to me. My sis is pregnant and my brother is the youngest out of the three of us. I don't mind it necessarily because I don't get many lectures from them.

I set my plate on the table across from Zen and seat myself to dig into my food. Zen finishes before me and prepares himself for school while I finish my food. Zen rushes me to eat so we could head to school. It doesn't really matter to me though. My grades are fine and the material isn't hard to understand.

I finish my last bit of food then head upstairs to get ready. I walk into my closet and proceed to put on a gray hoodie with SF on the front that stands for my favorite band over my wine red shirt. I pair that with some black ripped jeans at the knees. I tuck in my shirt and put a belt on. Once I'm finished dressing, Zen is already done with everything and yells at me to hurry from downstairs.

I pack my bag with my journals and books among the scattered notes on my desk from the study session the night before. Once I'm done with that, I toss my bag on my bed and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. It doesn't take long and so I grab my bag and walk downstairs so me and Zen can go to school.

It doesn't take long to arrive to school by walking, only about 15 minutes, but Zen always likes to be there early. Probably to talk with his friends. Our neighborhood is a quiet one. Not much trouble happens in or out of school which I'm grateful for. Of course there's always a rotten apple in the bunch though.

When me and Zen finally arrive at the school gate he parts ways with me to meet up with his friends I'd assume. I don't mind though. I just head to my locker and head to class...on a normal day.

Remember when I said there's always a rotten apple in the bunch?

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