chapter 10

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"Ca-Captain Kuro!" Jango gasped, terrified at the sight of his former captain glaring down at him. He was sweating bullets as Kuro adjusted his glasses with the palm of his hand.

"Well Jango?" he asked in a low tone. "Care to explain all this?"

"I-I-I don't know. All that punk in the strawhat did was glare at them and they passed out!" Jango screamed in panic. While he was screaming, many of the pirates began to stir and awake from Luffy's haki. Some looked around, wondering why they felt so cold before they saw Kuro and felt colder.

"CAPTAIN KURO!" one of them screamed, getting everyone else's attention. All of them began to sweat in fear at their former Captain, who glared at them all.

"I told you all not to call me that name." Kuro said as he eyed Luffy. 'To make an entire pirate crew of this size to collapse with a glare.' he thought. 'He's not normal, that's for certain. However, he will not disrupt my plans.'

"Oh man. He's angry." Sham said as he cowarded next to Buchi.

"This is disgraceful. To think that the Black Cat Pirates could be beaten by mere children. Have you all really gotten that weak?" Kuro asked in a bored tone.

"Weak?!" Buchi screamed as he and his brother looked outraged before charging towards him.

"You're the one who spent three years as a butler while we've been sailing the seas!" Sham screamed before they both cried out "WE'LL SHOW YOU WHO'S WEAK!" Kuro remained motionless as they attacked, but disappeared a split second before their claws hit him.

"There it is." Jango said, his arm still in Luffy's grasp. "His 'Stealh Foot' technique." Everyone looked around to find Kuro except Luffy, who hadn't moved at all. He looked down to see Nami looking around as well.

"Nami." he said, getting her's and Jango's attention. "Zoro needs his swords," he said before a small smile came to his lips. "And you've got some treasure to steal right?" he asked before throwing Jango back away from the both of them. Nami smiled at the mention of treasure.

"Right." she said as she grabbed Zoro's swords and threw them towards him. "ZORO! CATCH!" Zoro turned his head slightly to see his swords flying towards him before he caught them both effortlessly as Kuro appeared behind Sham and Buchi, his Cat Claws spread out and aimed at them both.

"It seems I have gotten a bit slower these past few years." he said in a low tone as Buchi and Sham started crying. "I'm giving you all just five minutes to kill these pests." he said as he withdrew his claws and stepped back. "If you don't, then you all die by my hand."

"Five minutes?!" one of the black cats said as they all started to tremble.

"We can't do it in five minutes!"

"These guys are monsters!" they said. Buchi and Sham however went to attack, only to be defeated by Zoro's three sword style. All the pirates went a little blue at seeing the Nyanban Brothers beaten in one move. While all this was happening, Nami slipped away to steal their treasure. Usopp just stared at all this but snapped out of it to point his weapon at Kuro.

"Hey Butler!" Usopp screamed as he shook in fear and rage. "This is your last warning! Leave this island, or my 8000 men will destroy you!"

"One more minute and counting." Kuro said, ignoring Usopp. At his words, Jango hypnotized Buchi to grow stronger, who then went after Zoro again.

"You alright Zoro?" Luffy asked as if asking what the weather was like.

"I'm good." he grunted as he fought with Buchi. While they fought, the black cats attacked Luffy. Luffy smirked as he easily dodged and side stepped them all. Usopp had sent a lead star towards Kuro, who used his 'stealth foot' move to avoid it.

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