chapter 22

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Everyone was gathering at the port to see the Straw hats off. The crew were loading up supplies as people were seeing them off and thanking them again for what they did. All the while this was happening, Luffy was running a few things in his mind without frying it from overuse. Especially last nights events.


Luffy and Nami were cleaning themselves up and getting dressed after their night together.

"See you in morning Nami." Luffy said when he got dressed and was heading for the door. He waved goodbye, but missed the door handle. They both looked to see Nojiko standing in the doorway smiling.

"N-Nojiko?" Nami said in confusion as Luffy had a blank look.

"Hi." Luffy said as Nojiko walked in and sat at the table. "Well, I'm going back to the party. Later."

"Hold it." Nojiko said, stopping Luffy in his tracks. "I have a request."

"A request?" Luffy said as he turned to her, looking as confused as Nami. Nojiko looked at Luffy before smiling again. "I'd like to come with you on your journey."



"You heard me." Nojiko said. "I'd like to be a Straw Hat pirate."

"EEHHH?!" Nami shrieked.

"Sure." Luffy said with a blank look on his face.

"LUFFY?!" Nami yelled before she pushed him out of the house. "Give us a minute!" she said before she slammed the door. Luffy was confused, but listened in from the door. "What are you talking about Nojiko? Why would you want to come along?!"

"That Luffy kid interests me." she said as if it were a common fact. "That, and I need to make sure my little sister's safe."

"Of course I'm safe." Nami said. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"You were screaming." she said.

"Screami-" Nami said before her words died in her throat. " did...?"

"I saw from the window." she said, making Nami sweat a bit before she hung her head.

"How much?"

"I got here...when he was admiring your new tattoo." she said as Nami sighed. "Good thing there was a party, or everyone would've heard you."

"Alright, I get it." Nami said in frustration. Nojiko only smiled before she stood up and went for the door.

"Also," she said. "I wanna personally see you make your dream a reality Nami." Nami smiled at her sister's concern before Nojiko opened the door, seeing Luffy stand next to the doorway. "So then Luffy, may I call you Captain?" she asked.

-Flashback ends-

"We're almost ready Captain." Nojiko said as she stepped out of the cabin of the Going Merry. She had a holster to her hip with a single flintlock pistol and a knife in a small sheath to her left leg.

"Alright." Luffy said as Sanji danced around, thrilled at the idea of Nojiko coming along.

"Oh yeah. Luffy." Sanji said before giving Luffy a hard kick to the back of his head. Luffy's body stayed put, but his head flew over the ship a few hundred feet before coming back with a bump.

"What was that for?" Luffy asked in irritation.

"I don't know." he said before he looked out at the town. "Where's Nami?" he asked.

"She's getting ready." Nojiko said as she gazed at her home one last time. As she did, the villagers were chatting about a few things. Why Nojiko was leaving, why Nami left all that money to them, and other things.

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