Chapter 32

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-At Brogy's home-

"There." Brogy said after placing a giant hunk of meat in front of Usopp, Nami, Valerie, Gin, Johnny, Yosaku, and Alvida. "It's ready everyone. Dig in!" he said with a smile.

"We're...not hungry." most of them said.

"No need to decline out of modesty." Brogy said. "Eat all you like. Dino meat's truly delicious."

"It's fine. I'm not very hungry anyway." most of them said again.

"He's gonna eat us too!" Usopp whispered.

"Only after fattening us up first." Nami whispered back. Avlida looked like her heart stopped at those words and turned a little blue in the face.

"Not good." Johnny and Yosaku said in unison as Valerie stayed quiet.

"Really? More for your friend then." Brogy said. Everyone looked at him before hearing meat being ripped from the giant bone.

"He's right you guys." Gin said with a mouth full of food. "This aint bad."

'HOW CAN HE BE SO CALM?!' they all screamed in their heads.

"GABABABABABA!" Brogy laughed before eating some himself, clearly amused by all of their faces.

"Um...Brogy, was it? Mind if I ask a question?" she said, hoping he'd be in the mood to talk.

"What's that?" he said.

"How long d-does it take for the log pose to finish recording on this island?" she asked.

"Just one year." he said with a smile. Gin's eye shot open as he stopped chewing while everyone else fell off the leg they were resting on. "So relax everyone! GABABABABA!"

"That's not good." Gin said after finishing his food.


-At Dorry's home-

"GYEGYEGYEGYE!" Dorry laughed as Luffy stuffed his face full of dino meat. He had invited Luffy, Vivi, Nojiko, and Carue to his home for a meal.

"This is delicious!" Luffy said.

"And your pirate lunchbox is great too! Small though it may be." he said with a laugh.

"Yeah. My chef made it, so I'm glad you like it. Otherwise, I'd have to kick your ass." Luffy said, causing Dorry to stop laughing.

"Did you just threaten me?" he asked, causing Vivi, Carue, and Nojiko to jump with worry before he started laughing again. "I like you shrimp! You're funny!"

"They're getting along so well." Vivi thought. Even Nojiko was a little surprised at them becoming fast friends.

"Do you live here Dorry?" Luffy asked.

"No." Dorry said. "I come from a village deep in the Grand Line called Elbaf. It's a village for Warriors." he said.

"Elbaf huh?" Luffy said with a grin.

"Yes." Dorry said. "But my village has a certain law. If a fight breaks out and can't be settled, then we call on our god Elbaf for judgement. He's blesses those in the right and protects them. I've gotten in one such fight with another giant, and this island is our battleground. The winner will be the one who will win and survive." he said before laughing. "AND WE STILL HAVEN'T SETTLED IT, EVEN AFTER 100 YEARS! GYEGYEGYEGYE!"

"100 years?" Nojiko asked.

"It's nothing. We giants live 3 times longer than you squirts!" Dorry said before laughing.

"Even so, why keep fighting after 100 years?" Vivi asked. "Can't you resolve this another way? Do you want to kill each other that badly?" She looked ready to go on until a large volcano erupted.

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