chapter 28

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" bad." Yosaku said to himself as he looked. He had been jumping through windows and doors, through one building after another trying to shake them to fight them one at a time. He knew he didn't have the strength to fight them all head on, but now found himself surrounded. He managed to take down four while sustaining only a few cuts and bruises, but the other six had managed to cut off his retreat.

"You sure can run fast, but it's over for you pirate!" one of them said before lunging at him and slashing at him. Yosaku guarded against the blade but was pushed to the ground.

'What am I doing?!' Yosaku thought as he mentally kicked himself. 'Didn't I decide to fight instead of run? If big bro saw this, I know he'd be ashamed.'

"YOU'RE MINE!" shouted the same hunter as he charged at Yosaku. He and Yosaku then clashed blades while the other hunters prepared to strike. He grinned down at Yosaku while another was running up behind him. "Hehe, say goodbye!"

"Goodbye!" Yosaku said as he looked up at him with a smirk before jumping out of the way. 'No more running!'

"WHAT?!" he shouted before he was stabbed by his comrade.

"Shit!" he shouted before Yosaku cracked his skull with the hilt of his blade. He fell to the ground as Yosaku looked back at them all.

'This time, I fight!' Yosaku thought. 'Four left huh? Even I can handle this.'

"You bastard!" one of them growled. He looked ready to charge as well, but soon found himself lying face down in the dirt with another person standing on his back.

"Miss me partner?" said the attacker with a grin.

"Where'd you come from?!" one of them shouted as they stared in shock, which quickly turned to anger. "Asshole!" he shouted before he was slashed by Yosaku while he looked away.

"Need a hand?" Johnny asked as he got off the unconscious man he jumped onto earlier.

"Sure." Yosaku said before they faced the last two remaining bounty hunters. Both groups glared at each other for a few moments before they charged at each other. It took a bit of footwork and skill, but both hunters were finally downed by Johnny and Yosaku. Both were breathing heavily before smirking and dancing around in victory.

"See that?" Johnny said.

"We're the baddest swordsman duo alive!" Yosaku cheered. "No one can beat us that easily."

"Yeah, nobody!" Johnny yelled as they celebrated. The celebration was cut short when they heard screaming coming from around a building before it suddenly stopped. Both of them looked at each other before cautiously walked over to the side of the building with their swords out ready for anything. Both peered around the building before their eyes widened in shock. Seven bodies were on the ground, beaten and bloody to the point of looking like practice dummies, with Alvida holding a blood soaked mace over her shoulder. She stood there quietly as Johnny and Yosaku slowly walked over to her.

"Hey." Yosaku said. "You okay Alvida?" he asked. She didn't look at them, but slowly realized that she was trembling. They were about to ask again but she started walking away.

"We're not safe until all the bounty hunters are dead." she said in a low, cold voice. "Quit standing around and find them!" she ordered.

"Y-yes Ma'am." they stuttered as she walked out of sight. Both were scared stiff as they looked at the bodies.

"She doesn't hold back does she?" Yosaku said as they started walking. They kept walking until a small breeze blew a piece of paper out of one of the hands of the bodies and at their feet. Johnny leaned down and picked it up to examine it.

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