chapter 29

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"Run Princess Vivi!" Igaram shouted as he kept up his attack.

"Igaram!" she shouted. Everyone was watching the cloud of smoke, which was all the distraction that Mr. 9 needed to untie her. "Huh?"

"Run." he whispered before Igaram was blown away by a bomb.

"IGARAM!" she shouted as she looked to see his smoking figure on the ground.

"What'd he do?" Johnny asked as they all looked to see the smoke clear and both figures were unharmed.

"I don't know who you all are, but our target isn't any of you." Mr. 5 said.

"Hand over Princess Vivi and we may just let you leave alive." Miss Valentine's Day said before laughing.

"Actually," Luffy said, gaining everyone's attention. "I'd like to fight you guys."

"Huh?" they both said, just as confused as the rest of them.

"Heh. You're either brave or stupid kid." Mr. 5 smirked as his partner laughed.

"We're on a level far above all the rest here." she said. "We're officer agents."

"Wait a moment." Miss Monday said as she started to sit up. "If anyone's fighting, it's me."

"And me." Mr. 9 said as he pulled out his bats and stood between Vivi and the Mr. 5 pair.

"But...why?" Vivi asked.

"I haven't a clue as to what's going on, but we've been partners for a long time." he said as Miss Monday stood next to him.

"Besides, we're already in trouble for being beaten. Might as well go down helping a friend." she said as she cracked her knuckles.

"Heh. That's real cute." Mr. 5 said as he picked his nose with both fingers. "I'll deal with you both since you're so eager to die. Double Nose Fancy!" he shouted as he held up his hands towards them all.

"Is he really gonna fling his boogers at us?" Nojiko asked in disbelief.

"CANNON!" he shouted as he flung them at them. Mr. 9 and Miss Monday braced themselves.

"Iron Body!" Luffy said as he stepped in the path of the boogers. He was then engulfed in a huge explosion, shocking everyone around.

"LUFFY!" his crew shouted.

"What the fuck just happened?!" Gin shouted.

"Hmph. Guess the kid had a death wish." Mr. 5 said.

"What is that guy?!" Yosaku yelled.

"Simple. I'm a bomb man who ate the Bomb Bomb Fruit." Mr. 5 explained.

"So your boogers explode?!" Johnny asked.

"Any part of me can explode. And explosions don't hurt me at all." Mr. 5 said with a smirk.

"Kyahahaha. That's what he gets for playing hero." Miss Valentine's Day laughed. Everyone just stared as the smoke cleared, revealing an unharmed and smiling Luffy. "What?!"

"You're okay!" Johnny yelled in relief.

'He took those explosions like they were nothing!' thought Vivi, Igaram, Mr. 9 and Miss Monday.

"Guess your bomb powers are as strong as you thought." Alvida said, sounding a little less angry.

"What kind of trick did you pull?" Mr. 5 asked in equal disbelief.

"I just used Iron Body." he said, confusing everyone around.

"Iron Body?" Nojiko asked.

"It's one of a few powerful techniques dubbed 'The Six Powers'." Luffy said. "I'll show you guys while taking these two down."

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