I promised somthing

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A few days after their interview on good morning America, the fans went crazy. "Have you seen Instagram lately?" Millie asked "I know it's crazy" Gaten replied. The rest of the cast were sitting on different couches only 3 inches  away from each other (see what I did there?) suddenly they went into a complete silence for a few seconds when a phone began ringing. It was Millies. "Unknown." Millie gulped "I dare you to answer it!" Noah laughed, Caleb and Sadie nodded their head in laughter, Gatens hyena laugh echoed through the big room "fine!" Millie giggled, she took a deep breath and answered then put it on speaker "hello?" She said in the best American accent she could pull off. "Hey babe. It's me. Jacob" said a voice from the other line. Millie looked around at everyone the smiles had faded and laughs gone silent, me cleared her throat quietly and said "Jacob who" still pulling an amazing American accent "you know, Jacob sartorius" laughed the voice from the other line, Millie quickly hung up and covered her mouth with her hands, Finn who was sitting next to her pulled her into hug she hugged back. Everyone hopped onto the couch Millie and Finn were on and joined in. Millie sobbed into Finns shoulder for a few minutes, after everyone had gone back to their seats on the couch a knock was heard at the door, they all got up and walked to the door. Finn, being the tallest, looked through the peep hole and saw nothing but heard the knocking still, it was definitely coming from this door. "Whoever this person is has to be the height of 14 year old Noah" Finn joked, everyone laughed but Millie "Mills?" Noah asked "elf." She mumbled "what?" Sadie asked "elf, it's Jacob." Millie gulped. "Aww fuck" Noah exclaimed "shit ok, Noah, Gaten and Sadie take Millie too that back room. Caleb stay with me so in case this elf attacks me then you can drag him back to wherever he came from" Finn ordered "no Finn." Millie begged, Finn planted a kiss on top of her head before nodding at Noah, Sadie and gaten, they took her into the back room. Luckily, there was a small window in the middle of the door so Millie,Gaten, Noah and Sadie all looked through it. After Finn made sure everyone except Caleb, who was standing next to him, was in the room. He took a deep breath and opened the front door "hello?" Finn said in a confident voice, he look around and no one was there. He just shrugged and closed the door and signaled that they could come out of the room. "Where was he?" Millie asked before running into Finns arms "no one was there, maybe he got bored and had to go back to elf land" Caleb laughed. After everyone had settled on the couches again when a knock was heard from the front door again "this dick" Finn sighed, this time he didn't hurry anyone into the back room, he just went to the door and opened, and standing infront of him. Was Jacob. The first chance Jacob got when he saw it was Finn, he took a swing at trying to punch him, he missed as Finn backed away. He tried again and he hit someone "HaHa!" Jacob shrieked " I got you now Wolfhard" but when Jacob opened his eyes, expecting to see Finn on the floor. He saw Finn sitting next to an unconscious Millie. "Millie! Are you ok?" Finn yelled "yeah, yeah" she mumbled as she struggled to get up, before she could balance her standing. She collapsed right back into Finns arms "why the fuck did you do that!" Finn cried "I promised something" she said before going completely silent. "Someone call and ambulance" Finn said, no one moved "SOMEBODY CALL A FUCKING AMBULANCE" Finn screamed with a desperate tone, this time Sadie went to grab her phone and called 911.

Holy shit I loved writing this chapter! Chances are I've already started working on the next chapter.

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