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Millie walked back to her house happy, she felt like she was floating. She had just watched the most beautiful sunset with the love of her life. She opened the door and started walking up the stairs "Millie!" Her mum yelled waking Millie from her daze. "Yes mum?" She ran back downstairs to the kitchen. "Do you know what time it is." Her mum questioned "sorry, my phone died." Millie said in a disappointed tone. "10:30PM! Tell me what you were doing out so late." Her Mum scowled. "I watched the sunset with Finn. I wasn't in any danger." "Danger or not I expect you to be home by 7:30! The sunset was well over by then. So what did you do after the sunset!?" "Maybe we fell asleep or something." Millie shrugged. "Millie brown! You are being very disrespectful. You are grounded for a week. No phone, no computer,no TV." Millies mum hollered. Millie didn't argue any further, she walked up the stairs no longer floating but her feet feeling like anchors. Once she made it to her room she plopped herself on her bed and sobbed.

The next day, Millie woke up with tear stains on her face. She looked over at her bedside clock. It read "9:00AM". Millie dragged her self out of bed and over to her bathroom. She put on a tiny bit of makeup and put on a hoodie and some jeans. As she walked down the stairs she heard a knock at the door. "Millie! Get that please" her mum asked. "Hello?" Millie opened the door. Standing their was Finn "Millie, why haven't you been responding to my texts?" He asked "my mum grounded me for being late home" she sighed "did you get in any trouble" she interrogated. "No, my dad wasn't home, mom was asleep and Nick live-streams till like 3AM" Finn answered. "How long are you grounded for?" "A week." "That really sucks" Finn exclaimed. "Yeah" Millie looked down at the ground. Finn lifted her chin with his finger and pressed a soft kiss on Millies lips. "I'll see you in a week?" "Yes" "promise?" "Promise".

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