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After the week was over Millie ran downstairs to collect her phone. "Now before you get your phone back. You won't be late home again?" Millies mum asked "no" Millie shook her head. Her mum glanced at her for a minute then slowly slid the phone across the table. "Thank you!" Millie yelled while running up the stairs. Once she reached her room she shut the door and sat down on the edge of her bed. "1...." she counted. "2......... 3!"she screamed as she opened her phone. " texts from Sadie, Noah, Caleb,Gaten,Maddie,Finn. And about 30 messages from Instagram!" She smiled, Millie went through Instagram liking posts and replying to a few comments. After that she texted Finn.
Millies phone
Millie: hi Finn!
Finnie: hi mills.
Millie: wyd?
Finnie: just hanging out with Sadie.
Millie: oh ok. Wanna hang later?
Finnie: no I can't.
Millie: ......
Millie: ok. See ya later then.

"Why was Finn hanging out with Sadie?" Millie wondered "I know Finn and Sadie are besties. We all are. I'll just text Caleb he'll know what's going on."
Millies phone
Millie: hey caleb!
Caleb: Millie! What the hell! How come you haven't been responding to anyone lately?
Millie: I was grounded.
Caleb: oh, any ways what's up!
Millie: I was wondering, have you heard from Finn and Sadie lately?
Caleb: no. They both went MIA around the same time you got grounded.
Millie: weird. My house 20 mins?
Caleb: ok.

Millie had one thought in her head and one thought only. Finn was cheating on her with Sadie. While Millie waited for Caleb, she texted Noah to come over to. She knew she needed all the help she could get to figure out if it was true or not.
"Hey Millie!" Caleb said when he arrived at her house "hey!" She smiled and hugged him. She invited him into her living room wile they waited for Noah "why am I here?" Caleb asked "I'll explain when Noah gets here." Millie answer. 5 minutes later she heard a knock and went to the door to answer it. "Noah! Hi-" Millie smirked until she saw who it was. "Finn. Hi." She stared at him blankly. "Hey mills, I've been think about what I texted earlier and I know how it sounded." Finn started to explain "if it sounded to you like you were cheating on me with Sadie then yeah it sounded sketchy". Caleb heard Millie say that from the living room and walked to the hallway peered from behind a book shelf. "It did sound a bit like that didn't it?" Finn looked at the ground "it did. So are you or are you not" Millie looked at him with sadness in her eyes. "I'm not" Finn lifted his head up with tears streaming down his face. "Ok. That all I needed to here. You guys were just hanging out. I just got worried because of what happened with me and Jacob." Millie put her hand on Finns cheek. Finn brought Millie into a hug. "Jesus, if only I had knew there was a movie I would've brought popcorn!" Noah said from behind Finn. "Ahh! Jesus Noah" Millie screamed "oh my god Noah." Caleb laughed from in the hallway. After everyone calmed down and went inside they all watched a movie on Millies couch.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2020 ⏰

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