Finn wolfhard, super hero

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The sirens of the ambulance were loud, Finn,Sadie,Gaten,Noah,Caleb and Jacob, all sat next to Millie whilst waiting for the ambulance. Suddenly, Millies eyes fluttered open "what happened?" She asked, she tried to sit up but a sharp pain struck the left side of her body. "Ow!" She yelped, Finn brushed the hair out of her face. "Don't move, the ambulance is coming" Finn reassured her, she looked around. She saw her best friends but then she moved her head in the direction of Jacob "hey!" He said "what is he doing here?" Millie gulped "I came to kill Finn, but I kinda punched you" Jacob chuckled, Millie tried to get up once again but failed and flew right back down to the floor before blacking out again.

Finns POV
I sat in a hospital chair, next to my unconscious girlfriend. The beeping of the machines made my heart speed up. I looked to the ground as I began to feel tears swell in my eyes, I decided to go on my phone to pass the time. The first thing I checked was Instagram, I went to my explore page and scrolled for a little bit, I looked at different types of guitars and skateboards, I scrolled for what seemed like an hour until a came across a video, I clicked play and it was an edit of me and Millie. I smiled and looked at her, laying still. Wires and cords all around. "I promise this will never happen again" I whispered "promise?" I heard a voice say, I looked up and saw Millie was awake. "Millie!" I jumped out of my seat and gave her a big hug "I swear he will never touch you again." I said with tears streaming down my face "First thing I'm going to do is file a restraining order" Millie started "I already did." I smiled, she smiled back, I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and ran out of the room "guys she's awake!" I alert her parents. They rush into the room I stayed out in the waiting area.

Millies POV
I woke up in a clean, white and neat hospital room, I looked around as my blurry vision cleared "I promise this will never happen again" I hear a voice say, I look over. It's Finn. "Promise" I croak, he jumps out of his chair and hugs my very tight. Before I knew he had gone out the door and then my parents come in the room, with Charlie,Paige and Ava (my siblings) "Millie!" My mum exclaims "are you alright" Charlie asks "I'm in a hospital bed, so really never better!" I joke "Millie your boyfriend saved you!" Ava giggles "what?" I look up at my mum and dad "Finn carried you to the car cause the ambulance was taking to long." Ava said, I smile. "He's so nice" Paige laughed, my dad shook his head which made me giggle. After my parents left the room, Sadie and Noah came in and joked around, the Gaten and Caleb, then Finn came back in. "Ava said you carried me" I smile, he goes a deep shade of red "yeah, I did" he mumbles "Finn wolf hard. Superhero" I say, making him laugh. He goes on his phone for a minute then pulls out a video.

"Omg Finn! Your voice" my eyes widen, I look at Finn he's crying "oh no whats wrong?" "Bob man." He cries, I laugh at his response. He sits next to me in my bed while we continue watching whatever random videos we can find.

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