2022, May 2 - Jungkook (Will I Be Able To Become An Adult Like You?)

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[Places: Container town, motel]

I lifted my head to see Namjoon hyung in front of the container. He opened the door and stepped inside. He gathered all the garments scattered around the floor as a blanket, and huddled there. The chill came. My whole body shook badly and I felt like I wanted to cry. But I couldn't even do that.

(A/N: Throwback from the fire incident)

When I opened the door and entered, Yoongi hyung was standing on top of the bed. The train of sheet was blazing on fire. In that moment, an anger and fear that I could not contain enveloped me whole.

I am not that someone who could speak well. Expressing my feelings, persuading another - I was awkward at both. As tears gathered and I began to cough, it became even harder to speak. The only words I could spit out as I ran into the blaze was,

"We said we'd all go to the sea together!"

(A/N: Oops. End. Namjoon interferes)

"Why are you like this? Did you have a nightmare or something?" Due to someone shaking my shoulder, I opened my eyes. It was Namjoon hyung.

Strangely enough, a feeling of security fell upon me.

He lay his hand on me and said I had a fever. It really felt like I did. The inside of my mouth felt like it was boiling, but it was intensely cold otherwise. I had a splitting headache and my throat hurt. I could barely have the medicine hyung gave me.

"Sleep more. Let's talk later."

I nodded my head. And then I spoke. "Will I be able to become an adult like you?"

Namjoon hyung turned to look at me.


(A/N: Official translation)

I looked up and found myself in front of the container. I opened the door and went inside. I lay down curled up and covered myself with all the clothes I could find. I felt cold and my body trembled. It was hard to put myself together and lie still. I felt like crying, but tears wouldn't come.

The scene of Yoongi hyung standing amidst the flames kept replaying in my mind. I didn't know what to do. I wasn't a good talker. I couldn't even express my own feelings let alone persuade someone else. Tears welled up and a cough lodged in my throat. It became even harder to speak. The only words I could utter as I jumped into the flames were, "I thought we were all going to the sea together..."

"What's wrong? Are you having a nightmare?" Someone shook my shoulder.

I opened my eyes to find Namjoon hyung. A sense of relief overcame me. Hyung put his hand on my forehead and told me I had a fever. It was true. The inside of my mouth felt like it was burning up, but it was freezing cold at the same time. My head ached and my throat was sore. I could barely swallow the pills Namjoon hyung brought me.

"Go back to sleep. We'll talk later."

I nodded. Then I asked him, "Will I be able to grow into an adult like you?"

BTS HYYH Notes (Book 1, 2, BUS Game) // COMPLETE [Part 2]Where stories live. Discover now