1 introduction

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My name is Caitlin Brioche. I'm a pretty normal girl. Or so I thought. I'm sixteen years old. I've lived with my Nana since birth.

I was told my mother passed away in childbirth after having me. I never knew my father. My nana told me he left as soon as he found out my mother was pregnant with me. I guess the thought of raising a child scared him. Or he just didn't want me.

Because of this information, I never bothered to look for him. I guess my nana knew exactly what to say to keep me from looking around. I felt that if he didn't want me, why should I want him? After all, I never even received a letter.

I can't wait until I turn eighteen and I can leave this little town. The only thing holding me here is my Nana. I know she would be lost without me. She's the only family I have.

Even though she raised me, my nana and I aren't really close. She always kept a close eye on me. I felt smothered like she was suffocating me at times.

She homeschooled me all the way through elementary school. I never had one friend outside of this house until junior high. I begged her to let me go. She finally caved and agreed.

Once I made it into junior high, I walked with my head down all the time. I could hear people wisper about me as I walked past. I was the new girl that no one wanted anything to do with.

We live in Cumberland, Kentucky. It's a small town in the mountains, with hardly nothing to do.

Now that I've been attending school for a while. Everyone knows me. There's never any privacy from anyone. If I step one toe out of line, there's always someone running to Nana to rat me out.

For the most part, I think I'm a decently good girl. I've never even kissed a boy. Although I have been known to sneak out a time or two with my best friend Casey. She's always looking for ways to get us into trouble. But I love her to death anyway. I was a loner for so long. Once I found her, she completed me. We were like peanut butter and jelly.

Casey came to my lunch table one day in junior high and sat next to me. A mean girl walked by and called me a hermit crab. Then she poured her drink in my lap. Casey punched her in the nose. She got suspended for three days. But from that day on, we were inseparable. People didn't make fun of me anymore.

"Beep beep beep." My alarm clock was blaring it was time to get up for school. Just like any other day, I got up tossed on my old jeans and a sweatshirt and headed to the door.

"Don't run out of here without breakfast!" My Nana shouted. As I darted past her.

I grabbed a bagel. "Love you, Nana. See you this evening." I kissed her on the cheek and ran out the door.

"Please don't get into any trouble today!" She shouted from the doorway.

I hopped in my car and headed to school. I pretend not to hear her. It was Friday. If I knew Casey, she would have something up her sleeve for tonight.

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