Chapter 25

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The amount of creepypastas is definitely growing steadily, is all I can think to myself as I watch them all run around my living room while I sit and watch them.

Mirror and LJ are fighting about something, Jeff is annoying BEN while BEN ignores him and plays video games, Dr Smiley and EJ are talking together while Smile Dog and Sally play together and Masky and Hoodie watch everyone while Toby sits next to Masky annoying him.

Things really have gotten more lively. Maybe I should work on getting these guys a better place to sleep and maybe some other clothes.

I chuckle and sit back. I can't believe that just last week I was so lonely. Just as I think this I hear a knock on the door. I growl praying that it won't be Zalgo, I'd rather not see that asshole today.

As I get up to get it I try to tell myself it must not be since he uses the bell.

I open the door to... No one. There's no one standing there, looking around in confusion I spot something on the ground. It's a piece of paper.

As I grab it I realize it's a drawing of me. I'm a little surprised since I have no idea where it came from. "I mean it's pretty good but where did it come from?" I mutter to myself.

I feel something brush against my leg and I look down to see Smile Dog. I still haven't decided if he didn't shrink or that he did and his normal height is scarily tall. I usually say the first.

Smile growls and I lean down to pet him. I had always wanted a dog... But I was never able to for reasons.

"It's ok," I tell him as I take a final glance around before closing the door.

"Who was it?" I almost jump when I hear a voice behind me. I look over and see it's Masky.

"Nobody apparently, but they did leave a drawing," I hold up the picture in comparison to my face. I might frame it later, even if it was left on my doorstep in a super creepy way.

Masky is silent for a moment as if he's thinking. "The drawing looks better than the original," He says before turning around and heading back to the living room.

"Hey!" I say though I'm not very mad. "I can look this good."

But Masky's already left. "Well it is a very good picture," I say as I show it to Smile who tilts his head slightly, "Annnnd now I'm talking to a dog. Great."

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