part 20

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Tobys POV~

I couldnt believe my eyes, Slender was standing there, tentacles out and holding an angry Jeff and BEN. The scene was just as bad, the coffee table was broken, the couch was torn, and a vase that Slender had had for a long time was smashed near a wall on the opposite side of the room. I stayed where i was, not wanting to get involved for once.

"He started it!" BEN yelled, struggling to get out of slenders grip.

"It's not my fault you left it out!" Jeff countered. They glared daggers at each other as Slender, held them apart. I looked towards the floor, noticing a disc cracked in half on the floor. Of course it would be over a video game.

"I didn't leave it out! You did it on purpose!" BEN accused.

"No i didn't! It's just a stupid game anyways!" Jeff yelled back. This argument went back and forth between the two, whether or not they noticed the air around get thicker with Slender getting more and more annoyed, they didnt show.

Narrators POV~

"Enough!" Slender yelled, causing the two killers to go quiet, "Jeff, to your room. BEN, to yours. I will not have this level of idiocy ruining this mansion any further!" He flung them towards opposite stair cases, both landing on their feet of course. The room was dead silent, not even BEN and Jeff dared make a sound while going up. As soon as they were gone, Slender turned his attention to Toby. "To my office. Now." Toby nodded, twitching as Slender leave. "The rest of you. Clean this mess before I get back." Without a word, everyone set to work, Toby leaving the kitchen and heading down the dimly lit halls towards the end, where Slenders office resided.

Excuse the crappiness and shortness of this chapter. Hope you enjoyed. Leave an idea for Tobys punishment. And be brutal. >:)

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