chapter 11

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"Boys p.o.v" Why were all of you pissed for what happened. "Girls p.o.v" Some gang called 2PM attacked our shipment stuff. So we went and made sure we got back what was ours.

"Got7 p.o.v" Though idiot's really messed up, this is why we left the jyp gang in the fisrt place because of them, they aboused us. "Y/n p.o.v" THEY DID WHAT OH HELL NA NOBODY IS ABUSING ANY OF MY GANG MEMBERS, THIS MEANS WAR. "Boys p.o.v" Uh oh this is not gonna go well is it.

"Joohoney and parents p.o.v" What is with the yelling what is wrong. "Got7 p.o.v" Um the girls told us why they were ignoring us this morning and we told them what our old gang did to us and y/n started yelling.

And saying this is gonna be war. "Joohoney p.o.v" Wait wait wait what did ur old gang do to you. "Got7 p.o.v" They abused us that is what happened. "Y/f y/m p.o.v" (Y/f means ur fathers name y/m means ur mothers name) Why did they do that to you.

"Got7 p.o.v" They didn't really like us they though we were 2 week to be in the gang since everyone in that gang is strong and we weren't at the time but with them doing that to us that we all said to each other that we would get stronger,

we did and once the asked for a battle and we won but since we became stronger than them they went more angry and told boss to kick us out of the gang. So that is why we have been really rude to everyone we really didn't mean anything we said we were just broken.

"Jackson p.o.v" But mark was more broken than all of us because he is our group leader so it broke him more until the day y/n accidentally walked into him he shouted at her she also shouted back but something sparked in him to talk more to y/n and ye this is where we are at now.

In a new gang and people who love us with everything they have. "Y/m/n p.o.v" Wow u guys went through though times well now u are part of this family so u won't need to worry about ur old gang comming here or finding u because they are scared of our family.

But most importantly they are scared of y/n and joohoney since they are brother and sister they feel each others pain and emotions so u hurt joohoney y/n also gets hurt and she will do anything and we mean anything to find that person and tourcher them or she will just keep them in the doungen rotting.

"Got7 p.o.v" Wow we didn't think y/n would be like that we though y/n as she is strong but not that strong. "Joohoney p.o.v" Well that is why she is the leader of black velvet. Before the girls were in ur position as well until y/n found them and helped them and now they are stronger than ever because they are loved by y/n and she trained them to be stronger so she will do the same for u lot, but if one hurts her I will do the same.

"Got7 p.o.v" Wow and ok we get it. "Y/n p.o.v" Well then let's get some sleep since we got training to do later. Everyone goes up stairs to ther room and sleep. The next morning they all wake up and goes straight to training

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