(Chapter 31) - Confrontation

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Both of them yelled and dashed then equally strike at the same time.


Jirou has managed to graze Timewatch's cheek, in exchange he got a cut in his knee...

"You've grown stronger Ryo." He turn around, and pulls out a dual SMG Uzi.

"Hmph, unlike you, i am slowly turning into one of them..."

FrostNova was confused on what they are talking about. "One of them?"

"Heh. You make me laugh EMIYA. A murderer to be a hero."

"I could say the same to you. Stupid priest." Flipping his gunblades, he readies himself to attack...


The lungmen chief slashed her way through not caring the Sarkaz and other mercenaries who stand in front to stop her.

"Out of my way." Ch'en unsheathed her Chi Xiao sword and started to vibrate, this made her surprise, looks like if you kept depending on this sword, the more it will get accustomed to this owner.

"Move!" She slashed apart a defender with thick armor, scaring them.

"Don't underestimate me!" A group of defenders were stacked at her path, the lungmen stomped her foot and jumps around avoiding them.

"Now Fire!"

That caught her off guard, well that is until a defender emerges from the shadows and blocked the arts from the casters.

"You?" Ch'en widened her eyes, this was the first time that she saw the toughest sarkaz face.

"You?" Ch'en widened her eyes, this was the first time that she saw the toughest sarkaz face

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"Mhm, W is right. Luckily i made it in time, are you doing fine lungmen?" The newly joined operator Mudrock asked.

"Mudrock what the hell is this?!" Some of Talulah's men saw her aiding the chief of Lungmen.

"Mhm. My duty to protecting the new chief. Why do you ask?" She casually said while her hands are tightly gripped at her B O N K hammer.

"You traitor- AGH!" He was completely silenced after a katana was stabbed by his back.

"Don't you dare talk to our boss like that." Mudroc's squad joined her.

"Go on, the path your taking is open. Lungmen." She spoke and user her arts to create Three pillars of Collosus.

Ch'en sheathed her swords and ran forward entering the tower.

"Some traps huh?" She mumbled and saw a lot of tripwires, like a spider catching it's prey.

Looking around the Guard operator saw some possible opening to slip through, but she has to time it right.

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