Back to Normal - Luna, Shade & Miles

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• Luna •
"Okay well I've just hugged my sister and she's off to her new location. Don't ask me where that is." I say to my two friends as I walk back from the boarding gates. "Well I guess we should probably start our final assignment for this semester." Shade says randomly after a long awkward silence. "Yeah isn't this assignment about unity or something?" Miles asks. Like usual he's completely forgotten the theme for the assignment. "Yes it's about unity. I'm going to do one based on Alice in Wonderland, but have it representing race and sexual identity. Because you know we are all human." I say and confirm Miles' guess about the theme.

• Shade •
Jeez my boyfriend is a real forgetful boy. "I'm going to base mine off of general identity. After all I'm South African and I don't have dark skin. No one should assume my race based off of the colour of my skin." I say with pride and confidence. "Well I'm Brazilian but my accent says otherwise. So I'm going with accent discrimination. I may sound British but I can assure you I'm from Brazil. Brazilian confiança." Miles says in Portuguese in the last part of his sentence.  "You know what gets super annoying? When someone just assumes where you come from and end up being completely wrong. Like I'm a Scot but I grew up in Australia." Luna says with frustration and her arms crossed. "I know. Like I'm South African but my skin colour says I'm white and from America. I wish people wouldn't just assume my race or where I came from. I understand your frustration Luna, but you've got to remember, people grow up being told which race is more superior and who to look down on. The world works like it's in a giant loop. A new kid is brought into the world, their parents tell them all these lies, they go to school and get told that it doesn't matter what you look like, where you come from, what sexuality you are or what colour you are. And as you grow up, social media takes its toll on you and completely switches your train of thought and how people see the world. It tells you things that get them the views. Some of which they only tell you half the story. For example, if you have dark coloured skin, white people are afraid of you. So they use that fear to make the dark coloured people feel unworthy and unlike able. Social media can train the mind to think what they are showing you is true. Stories are usually made up to make you engage in it more. And most of the stories have two sides, but they make you read and see the side that they post. Mostly about how white people are more superior and how the LGBTQ+ community is bad and is a virus. When you are born into a community full of hatred and disloyalty towards each other because of colour or sexuality, you can absorb that negativity and become part of the negative world. Colour shouldn't matter. Don't hate, Create. Create a better world. A world where it doesn't matter what colour your skin is, what you sexually identify as, and a world where it doesn't matter who you are because of your colour or sexuality but a world where it does matter of who you are as a person. No one can take that away from you unless you let them. You have a voice. Use it to make tomorrow a better place. People say that you gotta spread your wings and fly free. But where do you fly to that is free? Do you fly to the end of today? Or the start of tomorrow? Because unless you know where you're going, you'll just end back at the beginning of now. You're never free, unless you know where to go." I say as a confidential speech.

• Miles •
"We should use that to end our first semester assignment." I say after admiring his inspirational speech. "Good idea Miles! And that last part should be in all of our speeches! Time is valuable, when it is used wisely, we can do so many things. Use it wrong and the world could collapse into chaos. The choice is yours. Use your time wisely and try to fix the world and the minds that have been corrupted by discrimination. Or join them and watch the world and your mind slowly collapse in on itself." Luna says and goes off on her own speech. "That was beautiful. Beauty is one thing but feeling it is another. Colour and sexuality shouldn't be what our main focus is right now. We should be united. Equal and above all else we should love ourselves and each other for who we are on the inside. Rumours and fake stories can manipulate someone's mind so easily that it can make them think it's true. Hurting each other physically and mentally is why this world and all of humanity is failing. The world stops dying when we stop surviving. Eventually the world will stop dying. And that will mean that humanity has finally killed off its only hope for survival. Destruction, discrimination, sexuality will be the cause to end all humanity." I compliment her and start my speech too.

• • • Authors note • • •
All those speech's I wrote for each character, was my words and my take on for what's happening right now. Black lives matter. LGBTQ+ is a thing and it's not a fucking virus. Love is love. Colour shouldn't be the thing that separates us and causes so much destruction and heart ache. I'm a part of the LGBTQ+ community and I support it. And Luna saying she's a Scot but she grew up in Australia - is what I'm saying about myself. Each character I create is a version of myself. And no I don't have multiple personalities. But I do have a mental disability. It doesn't mean I'm stupid or anything. I can do anything you can do but I need it in a simpler form. Having ADHD and sharing it with people can really get annoying. If there's one thing I hate about having ADHD is people asking me if I need help. It makes me feel stupid and like people don't think I can think for myself. I'm not stupid or an R word. And don't call me a snowflake. I may be special needs but I can assure you if you didn't know I had it, you wouldn't even realise. Having a disability doesn't make a person any less worthy than someone without one. Same goes for colour and sexuality. 

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