Chap. 13

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"My brain hurts!"

I sighed as I sat back down on my bed after having a quick lunch. . .which wasn't really lunch, because all I ate was a bowl of fruits. It was currently 3:12 P.M right now, and we were all stressed with everything that had been happening. Alya and Nino understood some parts, yet were still confused. They still didn't get the whole thing about me having a twin. Even Chloe seemed shook as well. Nino seemed to still suspect me, which was making me quite nervous, because this was how I imagined my nightmare was going to go: this twin of mine would pretend to be me and make everyone believe I was an evil monster. I honestly think Adrien was the only one who fully believed me. Alya seemed to want to be believe me, but she was more focused on the fact that she had lost her parents and her older sister was in the hospital.

All because I couldn't protect them well.

"Let's run down the whole thing again," I spoke aloud. I wanted to make sure I got everything. I wanted to make sure that not a single one of my theories sounded off, and I was at least 90% sure of them being right. "It all starts with Queen Audrey and King Andre, along with Clara Nightingale and Madame Camille. Those are our main characters as of now." I picked up my pen and scribbled down on my notebook. "Let's focus on them and their stories first before we start adding other stories and theories unto it. So, we know the story between these four; at least we're very positive we know, especially with Clara." I gave Chloe a look and she nodded back. "Lets start from the beginning. I'll write things down in case something doesn't make sense and needs more explaining. I'll also add a few things that you guys don't already know yet.

"Clara and King Andre were good friends; Clara having small feelings for him, while King Andre had his own wife. Clara and his wife, Queen Audrey pretended to get along with each other right in front of other people, just because that's what King Andre wanted, but others were able to see through their actions. Time skip: King Andre dies. We're positive it's murder because his car brakes stopped working. Clara is suspected for his murder because of Queen Audrey; plus she was also the last to see the king before we left. Let's not forget that he also described her down on a paper, almost as if he was giving us some kind of clue that it was her.

"Queen Audrey finds out, feels shattered, but puts blame on other people. She doesn't suspect Clara because she knows that Clara likes her husband, so she has this thought that Clara absolutely has no reason to murder him. Queen Audrey blamed her personal maid, because her personal maid also seemed to have feelings for her husband. The thing is, she's wrong, and it's not actually her personal maid, Madame Camille, who did it. Queen Audrey gets angry and plans on killing Madame Camille, but before she could, Madame Camille seized the chance first and pushed the queen off the balcony.

"Here's something I want to mention that you don't already know. I went to visit Madame Camille not too long ago to get answers, which is where I found out about a lot of things. How Madame Camille was able to figure out that she was being targeted by the queen was because this girl approached her and showed her a video of Queen Audrey talking about it. Madame Camille did not see this girl's face, but I'm almost certain that she's the girl that supposedly. . .looks like me. The girl traps Madame Camille by informing her that if she doesn't kill the queen, her whole family members would die due to the bomb she had set up inside of the house. Madame Camille chooses her family over the queen and murders Queen Audrey, therefore, also lying that she had nothing to do with the murder; creating lies that it was suicide because Queen Audrey missed her husband dearly. We're sure of these things; we're sure that this is how it happened. The only questions I carry are. . .how did Clara die? And why did this girl want Queen Audrey dead in the first place?

"I figured. . .okay, this girl kills these people for the same reason, but keep in mind that she wasn't the one who specifically killed Queen Audrey. Now, while I was visiting Madame Camille, she also attacked me before I could leave. She suddenly just went mad and she said to me, 'all queens must die' which is where I got the idea that she definitely had something to do with Queen Audrey's death. When the police officers arrived, I asked her why she attacked me, and she replied it, 'I wasn't myself. I literally wasn't myself'. At first I think nothing into her words, but then it hits me. . .what if she meant it literally. She wasn't herself, which means someone took control of her body and caused her to do this. I'm thinking it was that girl. . .that girl is the biggest suspect of all. I think she may have the powers to possess people so they can do what they want her to do. What if she hasn't been the one killing these people herself? She only possesses someone else so they could do the dirty work herself.

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