Chapter 34

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Friday Evening

Jihyo's POV

I was really surprised on Monday evening to come home to dinner already made for me. There was a little letter beside it from Tzuyu that basically said for me to enjoy the food that she made for me and to relax for the night. I couldn't help but smile and cherish this small gesture.

The small gesture was nice at first until I realized that Tzuyu had no intention of letting me make dinner at all. She always made enough food for me and extra for when she came home after work. All I could do was reheat the food and make sure it was ready for Tzuyu when she came home. It felt like I was taking advantage of Tzuyu's generosity.

"Tzuyu, why have you been making me dinner this past week?" I asked Tzuyu as we finished eating dinner.

"You don't like it?" Tzuyu asked while pouting cutely.

I shook my head, "No, it's not that I don't like it, but it was part of our agreement that I would make you dinner in exchange for staying here without paying rent."

"I just didn't want you to be tired is all," Tzuyu innocently explained.

I let out a sigh, "I appreciate it, but you need to rest before going to work. What will happen if you collapse at the bar or the factory?"

"But I will be fine. Your health is more important than mine," Tzuyu replied.

"Tzuyu, it's very obvious from the last incident that your health is more important than mine. Why are you pushing yourself so hard?" I asked.

"I just want you to relax and be happy," Tzuyu replied with a sad smile.

"I can't be happy if I know that you are putting your health at risk for me. How do you think I would feel if I got a call that said you collapsed at work?" I asked, trying to get Tzuyu to understand my point of view.

"I... You're right. I am sorry Jihyo-unnie," Tzuyu apologized, looking like a child that was scolded by their mother.

"You don't have to apologize," I explained, "I just want you to know that I care about you and that I need to do my fair share around the house. Nothing would hurt me more than to find out you hurt yourself because you neglected your health because of me," I then stood up and spread my arms open, "Now come give me a hug."

Tzuyu's eyes lit up the moment I told her to give me a hug. She instantly jumped up from her seat and ran to me for the hug. It was very adorable as she looked like a puppy that hadn't seen its owner for the whole day. Tzuyu wrapped her arms around me and nuzzled herself into my chest. I let out a giggle before wrapping one arm around Tzuyu and stroking her head with my free hand. We stayed in the hug for a few minutes in blissful silence before I had to separate us.

"Alright, time for me to clean the dishes. You go rest before you have to go to work," I commanded.

Tzuyu did a playful salute, "Yes, ma'am!" she then went to get her laptop to work on something.

I gathered our plates and went to the sink to start washing everything. I was in the middle of cleaning when Tzuyu asked if she could play on my phone. I asked her why she couldn't use her phone and she told me that she was charging it for work. I let her play on my phone since I didn't have anything too personal on it nor do I think Tzuyu would do anything bad on it.

I checked the time to see that it was almost time for Tzuyu to go to work. I grabbed some ingredients from the fridge and made a quick pasta dish for Tzuyu to bring to work. I packed it up and placed it on the dining table in front of Tzuyu.

"What is this?" Tzuyu asked confused.

"My payment for staying here," I said while winking, "It also contains a special ingredient."

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