Chapter 56

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Xiao Zhan's POV

It has been around a month since we came to know that we were expecting twins. Yibo was extremely overprotective knowing that a tiny bump was now formed, indicating that the twins were growing up healthily.

Promising from the day when we went to the doctor, Yibo had installed an elevator in our house, having access to every floor.

I had stared wide eyes as the builders had cut of and limited the area they were going to build it. We had stayed in the main family house where the Wang family lived. 

It was nice to live with you family. But one thing was that they were like Yibo, overprotective over nothing.

It was hard to go out and have some 'me' time since they insisted on having one of them with me or at least a guard, so if something happens they would be notified right away.

Other than that I have been happy with how everything has been going, nothing was out of place in the Wang household, starting with my new daily routine. With Yibo giving me a speech about why I was to be careful and how I should make sure to eat on time, everything to do with health, exercise, dangers, and how to eat so the baby will grow up to be extremely healthy. 

Ultimatly, I had ignore most of the tings he said. Eating, what I had craved while sending Yibo to get me more. 

Most of the time I was either lying in bed, sitting on the couch or in Yibos lap. The most comfortable was obviously Yibos lap. It soon became one of my favourite places to sit. 

Some days when my mood turned sour, I would turn into my bunny form and lay there in bed. Ignoring everything around me and only eating the vegetables outside. My companions when I was sensitive was the other bunnies that roamed around the grass fields and gardens, eating when they desired. I'm starting to think that they are getting spoiled, but who wouldn't? Having everything at your feet in a second. 

Both of the bunnies were boys, seemingly together as a bunny couple. When I would suddenly fall asleep in the gardens they would be cuddled against me when I woke up. I didn't complain, it was warm and fuzzy as they would be as protective as Yibo when I was in my hybrid form. 

It wasn't hard to get used to this type of life even when my past is still with me. 

Yibo and I had both decided that we would postpone the wedding until I had given birth. It would be easier that way and I wouldn't be carrying a huge stomach around the place. 

Two months later a visible bump was now form, though small but still very cute and adorable. 

It seemed as if my mood swings have gotten worse, hearing Yibo sigh more often and seeing rough eye bags in the mornings. 

Now that my cravings have gotten stronger, Yibo woke up and got what I wanted to eat right away with out even complaining. 

I have started to weight myself since every time I would look at my own body I would feel insecure. The extra weight bitting at my confidence in myself. But I was quickly comforted when Yibo had found out what I was doing.

I was happy it came to a stop, what if it gets worse and potentially harms our baby? 


                                                                                                                                  Bye Bye~

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