Chapter 3

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Welcome to Hell

 Waking up to a very chilling, empty room with everybody else sleeping. Amari was the first of all to wake up. She glanced around the room to see where they were now. This area was nothing like the house. So, Amari decided to get up and wake the others from their deep sleep. As she stood from her grounded position, a noise from the ceiling began ringing in her ears. Amari looked up to the ceiling to find a FM system built into the entire building. Finally, a message launch into play to the group of people in the room.

"WAKE UP, EVERYONE! It's time to get this after-party started!" A voice came from the intercom.

Everybody immediately was awakened by the disturbance of the person behind the intercom. They all looked around the room with confusion and a slight feeling of a hangover from the drug and gas their body to eight hours earlier.

"What the fuck!" Jabari spoke instantly.

"Where are we? This is not the place I remember falling asleep." Tamara mentioned as she rubbed her eyelids with her left hand.

Amari just watched as everyone got up. She noticed they were all brought inside this creepy, empty room with two doors. The four walls were old and rusted as if the building was decades old. It smelled like dirty socks and mildew. Disgusting! Unpleasant as ever! Amari's nose cringed at the thought of being in the room any longer.

"Relax everyone...Listen closely. Things are about to get real messy here." The voice behind the intercom spoke truthfully.

"Aww shit! I ain't got time for this." Chris claimed sarcastically.

"F'real, I'm too hungry." Spencer added as his stomach growled loudly.

Jasmine just shook her head by the annoyance of both of them. But nothing bothered her more than the fact she couldn't remember anything after she had walked outside of the house before everyone else passed out. Jasmine knew something was up as soon as she woke up unlike everyone else.

"Shut the hell up and listen! You are all here because I chose you to be. Welcome to my hell. The hell I have created to make you all suffer!" The voice of the person announced.

Everyone looked at each other with suspension. They had no idea what was about to happen or be said. All they could do at this moment was to brace themselves for whatever they were brought here to endure.

"Okay, I'll get straight to the point. I hate all of you! And you people have made my life a living instead of killing you all like I could have, I decided to put you through hell. Now, whether you survive or not totally depends on you. If you can survive, I let you live. If not, then of course you die and life goes on without you as usual. You are now trapped here! If you can find the way out, you win. So, let the game begin! Have fun!" The voice behind the intercom spoke before disappearing.

Everyone couldn't believe the words that had been played in their ears by the person behind the intercom. Nobody wanted to move at all. As silent as the room was, the awkward silence was bound to be broken eventually.

"Why the hell y'all so quiet? Don't nobody wanna come up with a plan or some shit?" Chris asked rhetorically.

Lexus glanced his way and noticed that he was pretending to be fearless at the moment. But by the look in his eyes, she could tell he was ready for some shit.

"Yeah, I was just thinking we should figure out where we are first before we do anything." Lexus spoke softly.

"As far as a plan goes, we need to find a way out obviously." Justin added jumping in the conversation.

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