Chapter 20

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Some Scary Shit

Tamara and Spencer were both heading down the hall of the next floor. Finally, regaining his normal body temperature back, Spencer was leading the way looking for anything that could be an escape for them.

"You think they're going to be okay, Spence?" Tamara asked curiously.

Spencer shrugged his shoulders as he kept moving forward. Door after door, they would both take turns peeping in to see what they would find.

"How the hell am I supposed answer that?" Spencer whispered.

He didn't know exactly what to tell Tamara. Somehow, he felt responsible for keeping her alive since no one else is with them.

"Well, you don't have to be a dick about it!" Tamara responded quickly.

"What you want me to lie to you?" Spencer snapped at her.

Then, Tamara finally punched him with her left fist into his shoulder. Spencer felt the impact of her punch and changed his attitude suddenly.

"Okay, my bad. I'm just ready to get home." Spencer reacted calmly.

Tamara didn't speak. Instead, she held up her finger pointing upwards signaling him to be quiet. Both of them stood silently listening for whatever mysterious sound just ranged through Tamara's ears.

"You hear that?" She asked quietly.

"Nope." Spencer responded with ease.

Tamara began walking towards the noise like her curious brain commanded her. Having no clue where the noise came from, Tamara creeped silently like a thief in the night until she heard the unknown sound again. There was a room with a blood puddle in front of the door.

"I don't think we should go in there." Spencer mentioned after noticing the blood puddle.

Even though she heard him, Tamara felt it was worth finding out what was behind the door.

"It could be one of the others inside." Tamara stated truthfully.

"Oh, fuck no! You on your own with that." Spencer responded loudly.

Suddenly, the door swung one by itself. Red smoke filled the halls of the floor quickly. Tamara and Spencer glanced at the inside of the room.

"Anybody in there?" Tamara asked with a more toned voice.

Spencer just shook his head in disappointment.

"Dumbass! If somebody is in there, they know we're out here now!" Spencer shouted again.

Tamara glared at him. As much as she wanted to slap him, she decided it would be best to save her energy for escaping the house.

"Shut up and stop being scary with your fat ass." Tamara snapped.

Then, she grabbed Spencer by his arm and pulled him inside the room. Stepping over the puddle of the dark, red blood, Spencer and Tamara found themselves in the secluded room. It appeared to be an operation room for some scientific experiments. Inside there were green, glowing jars of some type of gooey substance and slime.

"Alright, it's time to go now!" Spencer whispered anxiously.

"Shhh!" Tamara responded softly.

The fear in the room began to rise as Spencer and Tamara drew closer to the unordinary items the killer had been using on his experiments.

"Be careful. Watch out for death traps." Spencer announced as he checked the other side of the room.

Awkwardly, just after moving away from Tamara, Spencer tripped over something leaning out from under the observation table. BOOM! Spencer's body left a level thud on the hardwood floor.

"Agh, shit!" He shouted in pain.

Tamara turned around to see what caused him to make all that noise. Underneath the observation table, she saw glowing, yellow eyes staring back at her. Something of a freakish nature was hiding peacefully until Spencer disturbed it.

"Spencer, get back!" Tamara demanded cautiously.

Still laying on the floor, Spencer turned around and to his surprise he saw that he had tripped over the leg of a skeleton.

"Woahhh!" Spencer screamed with a high pitched as he backed up into a standing position near the door.

"Calm down!" Tamara commanded seriously.

Tamara knew for sure that the skeleton was just there for decoration. Like how science teachers always kept a skeleton in the classroom for students to learn anatomy. Although, for some reason, the skeleton started to look more real as she paid more attention to it. Tamara leaned forward and squinted at the skeleton.

"I've never seen one with glowing eyes though." Tamara mentioned to Spencer who was now standing next to her.

Suddenly, the eyes of the skeleton blinked and then started moving. Spencer and Tamara both jumped back in fear which left them quivering and holding their breath desperately. The walking skeleton was heading straight for them. Step by step, the skeleton was turning into a real nightmare for Tamara and Spencer.

"Oh, hell nawl!" Spencer uttered anxiously.

Then, Spencer grabbed the axe and swung at the skeleton. After shattering the living bones to pieces, Tamara and Spencer both glanced at what was left of it.

"Thank God that's over." Tamara mentioned gratefully.

Eventually, more skeletons revealed themselves from the shadows of the room and started going after Spencer and Tamara. They both heard the sound of the bones making noise as they walked towards them. Their jaws dropped slightly right before they started running away from the live skeletons.

"Let's get out! Run!" Spencer yelled.

Tamara and Spencer both sprinted vastly towards the exit of the room. Every step they took, they began to realize the door was sealing itself closed to keep them inside.

"We can make it Spence." Tamara mentioned confidently.

She knew that if she went through the closing door first, Spencer would get trapped inside and die a gruesome death somewhat close like earlier when he was trapped in the freezer with Jasmine. While running behind Spencer, Tamara pushed Spencer with all the weight and strength stored within her. Spencer stumbled out of the room just in time. The doors were halfway closed at this point. Although Spencer was lying on the floor, he turned his head around and saw Tamara.

"Tamara, wait!" Spencer shouted emotionally.

Tamara had no choice but to make sure Spencer stayed alive. He had more a chance of surviving than she did is what Tamara thought.

"Don't die Spence!" Tamara's last words were as the door sealed closed.

Spencer couldn't do anything as he watched the door closed them off from each other. The last view of he saw of her were her legs with the skeletons coming after her.

"Damn it!" Spencer angrily.

At this point, Spencer was now alone for the first time in the night. He had no choice but to find a way out or at least die trying.

"It wasn't supposed to be like this. You didn't have to do that!" Spencer yelled in anger as a tear fell from his left eye.

Spencer stood up from the floor and started walking his way to the next room or floor that could lead to the exit of the building. After a few seconds of reaching the next stairwell to the lower floor, Spencer grabbed the doorknob and before he knew it, the masked killer grabbed his head and slit his throat with a switchblade from behind.

"This is where your game ends, Spencer." The masked killer whispered to him as he fell to the floor with his throat gushing out loads of blood on the floor by the stairwell.

Apparently, Spencer wasn't destined to survive like Tamara thought he was...The masked killer made sure of that right before disappearing into the shadows once again.

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