Chapter 7

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Young & Reckless

The empty, long halls of silence seemed as if they were stretching from what Amari thought. Her and Lexus were looking for Tamara and the others before they decided to escape.

"Where do you think they could be?" Amari asked Lexus.

Lexus just shrugged her shoulders. She was just as clueless as Amari was. The only reason she stuck around was because of her strong feelings for Amari. Nothing felt better than being in her space.

"You're so quiet. You must be terrified of what may happen to us?" Amari continued the conversation as they walked.

"I'm not afraid." Lexus responded quickly.

"Sure you're not."

"I'm...just wondering why the killer chose us." She responded curiously.

"Well, it's quiet enough in this fucking dump already. You don't have to be a zombie." Amari replied to Lexus.

Although, she wasn't afraid either, Amari just wanted to make sure Lexus was still mentally there. The last thing she needed was for her to disappear out of nowhere like Tamara did.

"Hahaha, I'm not dead yet!" Lexus announced with a slight laugh.

It was good to share laughs with someone to reduce the tension in the situation. Amari chuckled softly.

"Yeah, hopefully we'll stay that way before we make it out of here." Amari suggested.

"True, I wanted to ask..." Lexus began to question.

Unfortunately, just before Lexus could get the rest of her words out, there was an unexpected noise which came from behind them. Both of the girls turned around and waited to see what caused the noise.

"What the hell was that?" Lexus asked cautiously.

Lights began to start flickering on and off. The girls were on the lookout for anything fishy. Honestly, there was nothing worse than being caught in a dark hall with no weapons or manpower to defend themselves with.

"Let's not stick around to find out." Amari suggested boldly.

The two girls slowly turned around to find beyond their path was the masked person once again. Standing like a mad man at the end of the hall holding a blue handle katana in the left hand. He began scraping the walls with the sharpened blades of the katana to intensify the terror of the situation.

"Headed somewhere girls?" The masked person asked rhetorically.

"Yep. Right outta this shithole." Amari yelled strongly.

Then the masked person tilted his head back and laughed.

"Haha...I highly doubt it." He insisted with certainty.

Lexus was ready to make a stand against the killer. She'd finally had enough of all the traps and the chit-chat.

"I'm real sick of your shit!" Lexus stated angrily.

The masked man stood boldly as if anyone in sight was no match. A persistent force that couldn't be reckoned with.

"Sick? I strongly recommend taking some medicine." He responded sarcastically with a chuckle.

Then, Lexus snapped, and everything surround her just went black in her mind.

"Lexus calm down. Don't do anything stupid." Amari warned her.

Lexus's brain didn't process the sound of her warning. Amari placed her left hand on Lexus's shoulder.

"Ughh!" Lexus grunted as she ran towards the masked person.

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