Chapter 8

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Surprise? For Me?

Jabari and Chris roamed the hallway of the upper floor searching for the way out. Once they found more clues, they would be able to find the masked person. Both of the guys had decided that it would be better to find him and take him out before he got to them.

"We're getting close, Jabari. That asshole has got to be around here somewhere." Chris said with certainty.

"I'm only doing this so the others can escape or survive." Jabari stated as he was quietly checking the entire hallway for more traps. Chris continued walking slowly down the hallway looking for the masked person's hideout room.

"I get it now. You're worried they won't survive." Chris implied.

Jabari had no response to the statement because he knew Chris was right.

"You never do anything for yourself and don't allow others to help you. You've always been that way." Chris continued truthfully.

"We need to keep moving. The more time we waste, the more chances our friends could die." Jabari mentioned as he walked toward a slightly cracked door. Jabari grabbed the door handle and looked at Chris. Jabari pulled out his switchblade. Holding the switchblade up t the front of his chest, he and Chris began to creep inside the room.

"Careful." Jabari cautioned Chris.

Then, he started walking in until suddenly, Chris stops him by raising his arm in front of Jabari.

"Wait." Chris warned him.

Chris reached in his pocket to grab a nickel. Then, he rolled it across the floor of the dark room in case of a trap like they did earlier. The guys listened and watched as it rolled until it came to a halt. Nothing happened. Afterwards, he looked at Jabari and shrugged his shoulders. Chris pushed the door completely open and walked in slowly.

"Seems safe enough." Chris spoke softly.

POW! Out of nowhere, a gun that had been attached to the ceiling shot Chris in his left foot.

"Ahh, shit!" Chris screamed loudly.

Jabari quickly checked the room for more traps as he reached down to help Chris. Afterwards, he checked the gun for more bullets.

"I should've let you walk through first." Chris uttered in pain.

"Shut the fuck up!" Jabari said as he glared at Chris's wound.

He grabbed reached up and grabbed the gun from the ceiling. Good thing he was tall and had long enough arms to reach it. Luckily, it was a pistol. Jabari put the pistol inside behind the strap of his belt on his jeans.

"I'm still bleeding, playboy!" Chris mentioned as he watched his foot bleed.

Jabari just shook his head with the same aggravated look.

"It would've been real funny if you got shot in your mouth. Always talking shit." Jabari implied sarcastically.

Chris chuckled softly. He reached his hand out towards Jabari. Without wasting time, Jabari grabbed Chris by the hand to pick him up. The two guys began heading out of the room and back into the hallway.

BOOP! BOOP! The intercom came on and a message came through.

"I can't believe you're actually carrying around that fool, hahaha!" The masked person spoke jokingly.

"Fuck you, bitch!" Chris shouted angrily.

"Now now! Watch your language. Remember that I'm in control of what happens here. This is my house! My perfect hell!" The masked person demanded.

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