Chapter 14

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Sitting Raccoons

Walking down the hallways of the fifth floor, Jasmine and Spencer were still searching for the way out, food, or at least the others who were still trapped in the building with them. They had been walking for a while. Both of them were too afraid to check the rooms of the fifth floor.

"We need to check one of these rooms eventually." Spencer spoke quietly.

Jasmine was only sticking around Spencer because she didn't want to end up stuck alone. Monophobia had been a problem for her ever since her last boyfriend left her after two years.

"Yeah, you're the man. I'm going to follow you until we find the way." Jasmine replied to the somewhat fearless Spencer.

He saw a white light beaming under the door down the hall. Pointing in the direction of the door, Spencer intended to show Jasmine where they would look next.

"Look, you see that too, right?" He asked softly.

Jasmine's exhausted eyes squinted as she looked through her glasses at the small shred of light. Then, she nodded her head. Spencer began walking after seeing her argue to sharing the same vision. After a few steps towards the door, Spencer was just about to reach for the doorknob until he noticed it.

"It's already open." He declared in surprise.

Just as Spencer was going to push the door open. SMACK!

"Agh! What the...!" Spencer yelled after being smacked on the arm.

"Don't be stupid! It could be a trap." Jasmine stated honestly.

Although, she was right to assume that the only door in the hallway that's open could be a trap that leads them to their death. Spencer was too hungry to think clearly, which caused him to feel embarrassed that he didn't think of it.

"Yeah, you may be right." He agreed.

"Let's check the room behind you."

"Right. That seems like the smartest thing to do." Spencer acknowledged as he faced the other door behind them.

Unexpectedly, Jasmine opened the door and walked inside. There they both found what they did not expect to be in front of them. Automatic sensory lights turned on after detecting their movements.

"Oh shit!" Spencer gasped in shock.

Jasmine's jaw dropped in awe. She didn't believe what her eyes saw beyond her.

"We actually found it." She mumbled softly.

"Looks like you were right. Don't hold back now!" Spencer demanded as he rushed past Jasmine.

"I didn't expect to find the kitchen. And why is it on this floor?" She questioned herself.

Through her glistening eyes, Jasmine watched Spencer begin to stuff his face as he ransacked the refrigerator. Feeling as if she was over thinking, Jasmine was wondering if she should join in the fun with Spencer. Eventually, she came to her senses to realize that her mind wasn't playing tricks on her. No more hesitating! No more questioning what her eyes saw!

"Alright, I'm in. What's in there?" Jasmine asked Spencer.

All she could see was Spencer eating a roasted turkey sandwich with cheddar cheese and lettuce on wheat bread being stuffed inside his chubby, black face. GULP! Spencer swallowed a huge part of the sandwich.

"There's a lot in here. Sandwiches, cookies, pizza, peaches, and some other..."

"Shut up and pass me one of those peaches." Jasmine demanded excitedly.

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