Chapter 10

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Eyes Don't Lie

 Creeping through the dark, gloomy halls of the building, Tamara was catching her breath after making her way out of the vent where she had been hiding for an hour or so.

"This is too much." Tamara stated tiredly.

Her fear of spiders drove her to believe that the masked person had everything planned perfectly. It couldn't have been a coincidence that spiders ended up in the ventilation system.

"I gotta relax. My heart is racing too fast." Tamara told herself calmly.


Meanwhile, the masked person was watching from the cameras that was set up months before this night. From the cameras, the masked person saw someone attempting to escape through the exit. Without hesitation, the masked person jumped up from the chair in total surprise.

"Oh, hell no. I can't let her escape." The masked person spoke calmly.

Suddenly, the masked person rushed to his secret elevator which he had installed some months before. BING! The masked person pressed the button of the elevator to open. As soon as the doors were open, he stepped inside and pressed the button for the floor with the exit. Then the doors closed as the masked person got ready to kill the escapee.


Awaking from what she thought was death, Lexus had passed out due to dehydration. Even though she felt lightheaded for a moment, Lexus got up and began making her way downstairs. Once she reached the floor, she scoped around what appeared to be the first floor. Her eyes showed her a small kitchen, a front door, sealed windows, the big living room, and two other rooms. It was like a house connected to whatever the building was they were in. First thing Lexus did was walk to the refrigerator and opened it. Inside she found a bottle of water and opened it immediately and began drinking it.

"Ahhh, I needed that." Lexus told herself after taking a big gulp of the water.

Then, she looked at the front door and made an attempt to escape...but, she knew the spikes above would be triggered if she did. Good thing she had noticed them at the top of the ceiling.

"Fuck, can't go that way!" She snapped.

Then, she began looking at her other options for an exit.

"Maybe I could try one of these windows." Lexus insisted herself to try.

She headed over to the kitchen window first. Hoping that the window would be a good escape. Lexus placed her fingers on the lever to pull the window open.

"Ugh!" Lexus grunted trying to open the window.

It didn't budge at all. She kept pushing and suddenly got shocked by a small electric charge sent through the wires connected from an unknown area. Zzzzp!

"Fuck!" Lexus screamed in pain.

Being zapped by the volts of the electricity forced Lexus to change her idea about escaping out of the window.

"Well then, I guess I'll have to check the other rooms." She suggested to herself.

Then, she walked inside the living room area which was near the kitchen. Lexus started examining the room where she stood. The pupils of her eyes slipped past a chimney and before she could think, Lexus switched her eyesight back to the chimney.

"Hmm. Wouldn't hurt to try...Maybe." Lexus told herself as if she needed her own advice.

After she had adjusted her sight to the chimney, Lexus noticed that it hadn't been turned on for a long time. It would be fairly easy to her to climb through as long as she didn't turn it on. Lexus walked up to the chimney and slide her head under to check the top for a potential escape route.

"Woah! Oh snap!" Lexus uttered softly.

Right above her was the luminous, bright light of the moon shining as if it was showing her the escape was possible. Lexus couldn't believe she found the only way out of the hell that everybody was trapped in.

"I gotta go find others." Lexus insisted to herself.

As soon as she was about to go look for the others, she heard the mysterious sound of an electronic beep. BING! It was the terrifying sound of the elevator that nobody knew was inside the house.

"Oh shit! That can't be good." She stated in fear.

Lexus quickly moved the debris under the chimney and placed it all behind the sofa which was closely next to her. Then, she started climbing inside the chimney to make her way out to avoid death.

"Ohhh Lexus?" The voice of the masked person sung as he stepped out of the elevator around the corner somewhere.

Right behind him, the secret door closed and sealed itself off until it was to be unlocked by a pin number that only the masked person knew.

"I know you're trying to escape...But I can't allow that." The masked person continued impatiently.

Lexus kept climbing to reach the top of the chimney. Even though, she knew the killer was aware of where she was, it only drove her to push desperately to go faster.

"Come on Lexus, I'll make you my right-hand girl...Hell, I'll let you play with all my toys." The killer babbled on.

All of a sudden, there was a sight of silence. Lexus was halfway at the top of the chimney by now. All she could think about was surviving through the night. Even if it meant leaving the others behind to suffer the fate waiting for them. Next thing Lexus knew, she heard the sound of wood being tossed inside the fireplace. She looked down to get a visual of what was happening. Staring up at her was the masked person. He waved at Lexus in slow motion signaling as she was about to die at this time.

"Hello, friend!" The psychopathic masked person spoke.

"I could piss on you right now!" Lexus shouted angrily.

"Ahh, you're not about that life. Besides why waste your good clothes to smell pissy, sis?" The masked person responded.

Suddenly, the killer slid back out of the chimney and Lexus immediately began climbing faster. Using her forearms and calves to pull herself upwards. Along came the sound of lighter fluid squirting onto the wood that was set inside the fireplace.

"Oh shit. Not like this, God!" Lexus prayed quietly.

"You made me do this. I gave you a choice. Declining my offer was a huge mistake!" The masked killer mentioned to Lexus.

Afterwards, the killer pulled a match out of the pocket and lit the match with a small lighter.

"Now, burn away!" The psychopath roared as the lit match was thrown into the firewood.

"Ughhh! Damn it!" Lexus screamed as she slipped from feeling the blaze of the flames as they soared up the chimney.

After catching herself, Lexus knew she had no other option but to go up at this point. She started forcing herself to climb faster than she did earlier.

"Aw, man. You're still alive?" The killer asked rhetorically.

The masked killer grabbed the lighter fluid and threw the entire bottle inside the chimney onto the fire. The flames of the ignited fire began to dance at higher heights.

"That should do it!" The killer continued arrogantly.

Just before she could be burned even more from the bottom up, Lexus reached the top of the chimney and escaped out of the building. Lexus landed her feet onto the roof of the house which appeared to be connected to a warehouse next to the left side. She could finally taste the fresh air of freedom!

"Finally! Time to go get help now." She insisted herself to do in respect of the others who were still trapped inside.

Back inside the house, the masked killer had waited long enough hoping that Lexus had been burned alive or burned enough to pass out from exposure to the flames. Even though Lexus had made her escape, the masked killer had a backup plan for that. Now was the time to put it into play!

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